.REVERSE discrimination?

.REVERSE discrimination?
Posted by LucksKind on September 04, 2002 at 18:41:29: Previous Next

...Should I hang my head in shame...or is this natural?

...Lately (as my hair has gotten to the point of being obviously long)...
...I find myself avoiding people with BUZZed or (even worse) SHAVED heads!

Sometimes it's a FEAR of how THEY will react to ME
...but other times it just seems to be so damned UNcomfortable.
Like if I am in a checkout line at the store and just happen to see
such a person ahead of me I'll move over to the next checkout line.

God, this seems to be a problem I NEVER expected...

Any longhairs out there (or anyone growing) experiencing these feelings??? Hope it's not just me!!!!! HELP!


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