Does she like me???
Posted by gilee on September 07, 2002 at 09:58:00: Previous Next
The following is totally off-topic but this is the only place where I know people may reply. I'll try to involve long hair somehow.
There is a girl on my bus who I like a lot. Lately she has been acting different towards me too. She always looking at me and smiling. I shy though and don't never say much to her. But I believe that the way I've acted towards her she may have caught on that I like. Now she seems to be acting as if she is trying to figure out if I do like her. One day she said that she liked longhair on boys and wished her boyfriend had longhair. And yesterday I caught her with a Kid Rock CD which means that she may really like longhair. (By the way she has some beutiful long hair as well) But now my friend likes her too. He has been majorly flirting with her. I don't think she likes him though and she still looks at me a lot when he was flirting with her. Also another sign is that she has been sitting towards the back where I sit instead of the front like she used to.Then yesterday toward the end of the route she went back up to the front of the bus and was talking to 2 other girls. I don't know what she said but one of the girls went ewwwwwww. Later I glanced up and one of them were looking at me. Was she talking about me or my friend maybe or probably neither one of us. Because netiher one looked back at me when she first said it so I don't think it was me. Do u guys think she likes me? These are the same signs I've had with other girls that I ended up going with. But I've liked this girl for a long time and I've never been good at asking girls out. In fact I've never done it. THey ahve either asked me out or friends have asked them for me. I could get my friend to ask her but he likes her to. U can tell that I like her If I'm actually depressed its a weekend because I won't see her for a few days!!!! Any help will be appreciated.
Re: Does she like me???
Posted by Hair Religion on September 07, 2002 at 13:22:56: Previous Next
In Reply to: Does she like me??? posted by gilee on September 07, 2002 at 09:58:00:
Try saying "hello".
It works for most people, no need to make it complicated or "mysterious".
Re: Do you like her???
Posted by Hair Religion on September 07, 2002 at 14:06:03: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Does she like me??? posted by Hair Religion on September 07, 2002 at 13:22:56:
After that maybe you could compliment her on her hair.
(trying to keep it hair related)
Re: Does she like me???
Posted by Treyn on September 07, 2002 at 14:53:39: Previous Next
In Reply to: Does she like me??? posted by gilee on September 07, 2002 at 09:58:00:
Take the initiative, dude. You'll never get anywhere in life staying back in the shadows. Go for it. Get up and walk over to where she is sitting and ask if you can sit with her. Obviously if she has had her eye on you like you say, then she will not have a problem with you sitting next to her. Go with the flow and be yourself from there on out. No one can honestly expect anything else out of you but to be yourself. Speak kindly and don't act nervous. Have an air of confidence about yourself. She will totally be into that. Ask questions about school, etc. Treat it at first as just anyone you first meet. "What's up?" "How's it goin'?" You'll never know unless you jump in with both feet! Good Luck!
Re: Does she like me???
Posted by RedRocker on September 07, 2002 at 15:09:07: Previous Next
In Reply to: Does she like me??? posted by gilee on September 07, 2002 at 09:58:00:
I agree with Treyn's advice. Go for it. Even in the 21st century most women expect the MAN to take the initiative. Ask her out after the pleasantries of conversation. At worst, she might say no. However, more importantly, she might say YES! Women want a man with confidence, who's sure of himself. I usually ask a woman out by saying something like "would you lke to go to [insert place here] on [insert day here]?" Or something like that. Remember to ALWAYS be yourself. Of course, if she has a boyfriend she'll probably say no (if she says yes and has a boyfriend you probably wouldn't want her as a girlfriend, seeing as that would be a form of deception/cheating). Best of luck. Don't wait to long...
She likes me!!!
Posted by LucksKind on September 07, 2002 at 16:15:36: Previous Next
In Reply to: Does she like me??? posted by gilee on September 07, 2002 at 09:58:00:
...Once when I was high or something I said: "Life's a rollercoaster
ride toward let's have FUN!"
...but the girl was ready for me, took a drag on her cigarette
and said: "I won't dream of doing anything else."
...don't remember the rest of the evening...
... but I doubt anything really came of it.