Telogen Effluvium Hair loss
Posted by Billy Tippie on September 07, 2002 at 22:15:41: Previous Next
I am a 19 years old white male living in Dallas. I have had sholder length (red) hair for some time now just recentialy hair from all over my body has started to fall out. I think I have Telogen Effluvium a disorder where alot of your hair falls out in a short period of time. I had a hep. b vaccine shot before I went to China a few months ago I think this is a re-action to the hep. b vaccine. Please help me I want to keep my hair . This is so bad I find it hard not to think of it. Again, please help me if you can. Thanks.
Re: Telogen Effluvium Hair loss
Posted by Robert on September 07, 2002 at 22:37:54: Previous Next
In Reply to: Telogen Effluvium Hair loss posted by Billy Tippie on September 07, 2002 at 22:15:41:
Get to the doc! If it was caused by the vaccination, perhaps there is something esle the doc can do, but lots of hair, all over your body falling out is a signal! Your body is telling you something. No time to be self-diagnosing or asking this group of people to do that. And don't wait to see if it gets better. We (men) are the worst about getting medical care when we need it. Waiting usually just makes things worse. Good luck. After you see the doc, if you wish, share with us what you learned, but regardless of that, go, man!
: I am a 19 years old white male living in Dallas. I have had sholder length (red) hair for some time now just recentialy hair from all over my body has started to fall out. I think I have Telogen Effluvium a disorder where alot of your hair falls out in a short period of time. I had a hep. b vaccine shot before I went to China a few months ago I think this is a re-action to the hep. b vaccine. Please help me I want to keep my hair . This is so bad I find it hard not to think of it. Again, please help me if you can. Thanks.
: -Billy