Great Idea!!

Great Idea!!
Posted by Silverfire on September 08, 2002 at 01:12:35: Previous Next

Hi, I'm back after a break from stuff. My hair is now at the END OF AWKWARD STAGE and the bangs will go into the tie! And it's been over a year since I let someone coerce me into cutting it!
Anyway, I had a wonderful idea to tie it back. Considering that 2 of my dream styles don't involve tieing it (which is my favorite way of having it), which are Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII and Jareth (Ballroom scene) in Labyrinth, and I wanted to do something very odd...
I want to get a strip of leaher and put a buckle on one end and some holes on the other, like a little tiny belt for your hair *lol* Of course one would need to tie with with an elastic or something but personally I think that this idea is great!

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