My New Plan

My New Plan
Posted by Skarred Orange on September 10, 2002 at 15:44:20: Previous Next

Well since my school made me get this horrible cut on Friday I am gonna grow it back. It's currently a little shorter than my nose all round except at the back. I am allowed to grow my hair during the terms but am supposed to cut it at the beginning of each term, so I am gonna use this to my advantage.

By the beginning of january it will be past my mouth, then I'll get the back cut and put the rest behind my ears (Since there's not much different to the look when it's behind the ears), to make it look shorter, continue to grow, then when it comes to april, I'll get it all leveled up, slick it back with something, and then curl the back inwards real tight so it looks shorter. So by summer I should have shoulder length hair.

Do you think it will work?

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