Cool Boss...
Posted by Treyn on September 11, 2002 at 19:49:12: Previous Next
I decided to try and get as much hair in back as I could into a ponytail this morning and wore it to work that way today. Looked halfway decent I guess. Some of the hair kept getting loose. A lot of the guys at work kidded me around about it, but the best thing came from the owner, my boss. One of the guys said something to him about it jokingly, so he looked at me with a big smile and said, "That's pretty cool, but I'm gonna have to yank on it before the days out." He never did yank on it, he was only kidding. But him saying it was "Cool" totally shocked me.
Posted by LucksKind on September 11, 2002 at 20:45:50: Previous Next
In Reply to: Cool Boss... posted by Treyn on September 11, 2002 at 19:49:12:
...guess that is a milestone!
Re: Cool Boss...
Posted by HisHair on September 11, 2002 at 22:40:59: Previous Next
In Reply to: Cool Boss... posted by Treyn on September 11, 2002 at 19:49:12:
Makes you wonder how much happier some workplaces would be (and more productive) if employees were simply allowed to wear the look they most want (at least in hair). Maybe that's why the relatively liberal software development industry is so damn productive!
Posted by SPEEDRACER on September 12, 2002 at 09:34:52: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Cool Boss... posted by HisHair on September 11, 2002 at 22:40:59:
: Makes you wonder how much happier some workplaces would be (and more productive) if employees were simply allowed to wear the look they most want (at least in hair). Maybe that's why the relatively liberal software development industry is so damn productive!
A-MEN!!! I have a friend from high school & college who is a "graphic artist"...very good at it and makes a boat-load of money doing it. In the summertime he wears shorts and "flip-flops" to work. He's not a long hair - not the type - but definitely has the green light to grow it out should he ever want to do so. The corporate / conservative environment can kiss off! Sure those "coat and tie" jobs pay a substantial amount of money, but who needs it?! Conforming to this way of life is nothing more than giving up. I have never, and will never, conform to this way of life and become a "coat and tie"...I cannot let myself become a "robot" or a "puppet on a string". I understand all about generation gaps, fashion phases, music phases, etc. but I also understand that every one of us deserves a chance...a chance to prove to the closed minded people out there in the corporate / conservative environment that we can do just as good (if not better) a job as those fake kiss ups that you presently have working for you! (Read the entry from me posted RE:THAT dated 09/10/02 for more on this topic). Anyway, carry yourelf with pride and be who you are...not what someone "thinks" you should's "your" life - not "theirs" - "you" are the one who has to live "your" life - others can only "try" to live it for you.
Posted by STALKER on September 12, 2002 at 20:25:07: Previous Next
In Reply to: A-MEN TO THAT! posted by SPEEDRACER on September 12, 2002 at 09:34:52:
: : Makes you wonder how much happier some workplaces would be (and more productive) if employees were simply allowed to wear the look they most want (at least in hair). Maybe that's why the relatively liberal software development industry is so damn productive!
: A-MEN!!! I have a friend from high school & college who is a "graphic artist"...very good at it and makes a boat-load of money doing it. In the summertime he wears shorts and "flip-flops" to work. He's not a long hair - not the type - but definitely has the green light to grow it out should he ever want to do so. The corporate / conservative environment can kiss off! Sure those "coat and tie" jobs pay a substantial amount of money, but who needs it?! Conforming to this way of life is nothing more than giving up. I have never, and will never, conform to this way of life and become a "coat and tie"...I cannot let myself become a "robot" or a "puppet on a string". I understand all about generation gaps, fashion phases, music phases, etc. but I also understand that every one of us deserves a chance...a chance to prove to the closed minded people out there in the corporate / conservative environment that we can do just as good (if not better) a job as those fake kiss ups that you presently have working for you! (Read the entry from me posted RE:THAT dated 09/10/02 for more on this topic). Anyway, carry yourelf with pride and be who you are...not what someone "thinks" you should's "your" life - not "theirs" - "you" are the one who has to live "your" life - others can only "try" to live it for you.
Re: Cool Boss...
Posted by gmhole on September 12, 2002 at 05:05:53: Previous Next
In Reply to: Cool Boss... posted by Treyn on September 11, 2002 at 19:49:12:
hey treyn...could we see a pic of your hair tied back?
Re: Cool Boss...
Posted by john on September 12, 2002 at 15:47:39: Previous Next
In Reply to: Cool Boss... posted by Treyn on September 11, 2002 at 19:49:12:
Congratulations! This is the beginning of many happy days as a longhair!!!