Olive Oil

Olive Oil
Posted by Ignorant1 on September 14, 2002 at 00:29:30: Previous Next

Alright, this is going to sound completely stupid, but at least by asking, I can probably save a few other long-hair wannabes the embarassment of making the same inquiry that I am about to:

I can vaguely recall reading about positive effects that olive oil can have on one's hair. When am I supposed to apply olive oil to my hair: Before I wash/condition my hair, or after? Do I apply it to my hair when it's wet (after having just been washed), or do I wait for it to dry first? And even then, once I've applied it, am I supposed to leave it in my hair until the next time I shower, or do I rinse it out with water after a few hours? How much am I to apply?

Incase my questions haven't given it away, I am rather ignorant on the subject. The impression I have is that I'm supposed to shampoo my hair just as I normally would and then apply some olive oil to the hair as soon as it's dried out from the wash. I'm guessing that I am to spread the oil over my hair and massage it into my scalp, and that I am to let the oil soak in for a few hours before I rinse it out with water (I assume this since I am led to believe that the oil will make my hair look too slick if I just leave it in). Are my assumptions correct? Help me!

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