Need suggestions

Need suggestions
Posted by Mid life... on September 18, 2002 at 07:52:27: Previous Next

Need to know if anyone has had similiar experience...

After years of conservative haircuts every three weeks, I decided to grow my hair longer, still keeping this schedule, but taking off less with each cutting. As I work in middle management at a very conservative company, I was concerned about the perception. I now find myself extending cuts to every six weeks. By using mousse, I am able to help control my hair by pushing it behind my ears, although the back covers my shirt collar. At 44, I find I like the longer style, although I don't think this affects the level of my work, I wonder if growing longer might, although I have considered the topic. As many my age, I have thinned on top. Has anyone else been in a similiar situation and what was the outcome?

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