Victor's Ideas give protection THEORY!

Victor's Ideas give protection THEORY!
Posted by LucksKind on September 21, 2002 at 20:07:20: Previous Next

Victor brings up some ideas that long hair protects the BACK.
Of course, there is protection from the sun to a degree...
(Also, absorption of sweat from the back may be yet another function).

A recent incident made me aware of long hair's PROTECTIVE function
when a sharp branch fell against my neck and slid off without my
getting a scratch. (Hair protects against the sword too!)

Furthermore, I might be noted that a very VULNERABLE part of the Human Body...
that is, the spinal column. LONG HAIR...especially terminal growth that
reaches almost to the waist, would offer a substantial and natural
protective barrier...even OVER clothing.

Hair is beautiful and possible holds many undiscovered mysteries...

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