Buzzcuts to longhair
Posted by Hair Religion on September 25, 2002 at 22:36:56: Previous Next
We seem hear from an awful lot of guys who are starting to grow their hair out from buzzcuts.
If some could respond and say wether it was that they just tried it and found that they really didn't like it that short or was it that they have always kept their hair short like that and now as they have gotten older and decided that they needed a change or felt that it was ok for them to make their own mind up about how long to keep their hair.
Re: Buzzcuts to longhair
Posted by redhead on September 25, 2002 at 23:24:09: Previous Next
In Reply to: Buzzcuts to longhair posted by Hair Religion on September 25, 2002 at 22:36:56:
My parents kept my hair long when I was little, when I was about 3 or 4. Then as I got older I started keeping my hair shorter up until about fifth grade. I had really shaggy hair, almost shoulder length, most of the time from fifth grade until early my freshman year in high school. I never thought seriously about growing it long, as in past my shoulders, but I liked it longer. Then my brother and I bet each other to both get a buzzcut, a cut I had never had before. At first it was a little weird but I actually got to like it. It was very easy to manage and girls rub your head a lot. Then like I said my earlier post I met some good friends my junior year who had really long hair and thought it would be cool to give it a try, plus I was getting kinda tired of the buzzcut. As my hair got longer I remembered how much I liked longer hair and now I love it, longer than I've ever had it (and still not long enough heh heh). I probably won't go to a buzzcut again for a long time if ever. I've sort of realized long hair fits my personality really well, I'm more of a loner who has always been known as "that weird guy." So being a longhair gets the point across to everyone immediately, I'm different. Anyway that's my reason. Buzzcuts are cool, I liked it at the time, but I don't really think I'll wear it again.
: We seem hear from an awful lot of guys who are starting to grow their hair out from buzzcuts.
: If some could respond and say wether it was that they just tried it and found that they really didn't like it that short or was it that they have always kept their hair short like that and now as they have gotten older and decided that they needed a change or felt that it was ok for them to make their own mind up about how long to keep their hair.
Re: Buzzcuts to longhair
Posted by EricEicher on September 26, 2002 at 05:36:02: Previous Next
In Reply to: Buzzcuts to longhair posted by Hair Religion on September 25, 2002 at 22:36:56:
When I was a kid (3-10 yrs old) I had shaggy hair (bowlcuts, etc.). It was popular then (late 70's) and not a big deal. When I got older I had a longer skater/bowl/undercut. I kept it this way from late elementary school to early college.
My parents are not the types to "dictate" haircuts. I could have asked for anything as a kid and they wouldn't have stopped me. Still, after 20 years of long hair I was ready for something different. When I was young, I sort of secretly envied another kid who had to get a summer buzzcut every year without fail. From May to September his hair was nothing but stubble.
While in college on a hot summer day, I decided to make a change. I actually walked into a barber shop and asked to have a summer buzz down to stubble. The barber complied and I left 7" of hair on the floor.
At first I was shocked and depressed at what I had done. Soon, I came to enjoy the look. For five years my hair was never longer than a #1. Just last month I took the plunge and shaved my whole head with a razor blade. Since that last act left me with no hair at all, it triggered something inside. Once again, I desired a head of hair-which is why I am now growing it back out.
In short, I went from shaggy to buzz cut just to experience something different. Little did I know I would end up liking short hair. Now, long hair is a distant memory-one that I want to try again. I liked short hair, however, it doesn't give many style options. I miss being able to comb my hair. Now, I'm back to 1/2" on top and growing...
Re: Buzzcuts to longhair
Posted by Chris on September 26, 2002 at 17:25:20: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Buzzcuts to longhair posted by EricEicher on September 26, 2002 at 05:36:02:
Hey man! Congratulations on deciding to grow your back out. This last April I also cut my long hair off. I went from about shoulder-length hair to a buzz cut and 2 days later from a buzzcut to a comletely shaved head. I wasn't really depressed that I cut my hair, but I did feel pretty awkward having no hair. I knew it was something that I had to do; my hair was pretty damaged. After I shaved it all off I couldn't decid whether I wanted to keep it short or grow it long again. Well, I haven't cut it from that day, and it's now going on 6 months. I don't feel like myself without long hair. Hang in there! It's a long road when you're coming from a shaved head, but it makes you appreciate it even more, I think.
: When I was a kid (3-10 yrs old) I had shaggy hair (bowlcuts, etc.). It was popular then (late 70's) and not a big deal. When I got older I had a longer skater/bowl/undercut. I kept it this way from late elementary school to early college.
: My parents are not the types to "dictate" haircuts. I could have asked for anything as a kid and they wouldn't have stopped me. Still, after 20 years of long hair I was ready for something different. When I was young, I sort of secretly envied another kid who had to get a summer buzzcut every year without fail. From May to September his hair was nothing but stubble.
: While in college on a hot summer day, I decided to make a change. I actually walked into a barber shop and asked to have a summer buzz down to stubble. The barber complied and I left 7" of hair on the floor.
: At first I was shocked and depressed at what I had done. Soon, I came to enjoy the look. For five years my hair was never longer than a #1. Just last month I took the plunge and shaved my whole head with a razor blade. Since that last act left me with no hair at all, it triggered something inside. Once again, I desired a head of hair-which is why I am now growing it back out.
: In short, I went from shaggy to buzz cut just to experience something different. Little did I know I would end up liking short hair. Now, long hair is a distant memory-one that I want to try again. I liked short hair, however, it doesn't give many style options. I miss being able to comb my hair. Now, I'm back to 1/2" on top and growing...
Re: Buzzcuts to longhair
Posted by Petros on September 26, 2002 at 07:58:13: Previous Next
In Reply to: Buzzcuts to longhair posted by Hair Religion on September 25, 2002 at 22:36:56:
For most of my life I have always had short hair. Even back when long hair was "acceptable" (60's and 70's), my hair was above the ears...high and tight. Now I am 40, and desire to do something different. In a previous post I mentioned that I was one of the lead roles in a theater production about the life of Christ. Many of the males in the production have long hair. The ones who do not, wear wigs. I can't stand the wigs. Now my hair is of sufficient length that I do not have to wear the wig and I am happy. I have been growing it since April of this year without a cut or a trim. I am liking the longer hair and look forward to it getting longer.
Thanks to all on this site.
Re: Buzzcuts to longhair
Posted by Matt on September 26, 2002 at 15:42:29: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Buzzcuts to longhair posted by Petros on September 26, 2002 at 07:58:13:
I'm 21 years old and have wanted long hair since I was fairly young. When I was around 12 years old I grew my hair down to my ear lobes, but cut it off believing I just had bad hair (it was, of course, just the ackward stage). Well, around two months ago I was watching a movie or something (MI:2 I think, hah) and it reminded me about how I wished I had the right type of hair to grow it out like that (my hair is straight, very thick, dark brown). Being the kind of person I am, I began to research the subject, found out about the ackward stage, and decided to let my hair grow out again.
It's been growing for one day over two months now from a 1" buzz-cut and it's already a little over 2 1/2 in long. I'm not sure what I was thinking with getting it buzzed, it looks much better now even at the beginning of the ackward stage. I'm fairly certain I will reach my goal of shoulder length hair, unless I end up joining the Navy (which I've been thinking a lot about). But...until i'm actually swearing in i'm going to let it grow.
Re: Buzzcuts to longhair
Posted by HairGarden on September 26, 2002 at 15:11:48: Previous Next
In Reply to: Buzzcuts to longhair posted by Hair Religion on September 25, 2002 at 22:36:56:
: We seem hear from an awful lot of guys who are starting to grow their hair out from buzzcuts.
: If some could respond and say wether it was that they just tried it and found that they really didn't like it that short or was it that they have always kept their hair short like that and now as they have gotten older and decided that they needed a change or felt that it was ok for them to make their own mind up about how long to keep their hair.
I had long hair some ten+ years back. Just before I went to work in aerospace, I cut because the bosses were all diehard ex-military and the culture then was not longhair friendly. Once I got laid-off and decided to change careers, I decided to grow it back.
Re: Buzzcuts to longhair
Posted by lettingitgrow on September 26, 2002 at 16:04:56: Previous Next
In Reply to: Buzzcuts to longhair posted by Hair Religion on September 25, 2002 at 22:36:56:
Hi guys.
I am growing mine again. Growing up from 12-17 years old, I had the style of the 80's... longish over the ears type deal. I have very THICK, drk hair so people were jealous to a degree. I got into a hair fetish with barbershops. LOVE to get my haircut and watch guys get cut. So for 18 years I have kept my hair short, except for a brief experiement last fall growing it out. I went from May to December 2001 without a haircut. Then I got it cut and landed back into the whole fetish thing.
Does anyone have any helps to move me toward growing my hair out? I have decided that the cut I received on September 24 was the last one I would get for at least 6-9 months. Your help, advice, support would be appreciated.
We seem hear from an awful lot of guys who are starting to grow their hair out from buzzcuts.
: If some could respond and say wether it was that they just tried it and found that they really didn't like it that short or was it that they have always kept their hair short like that and now as they have gotten older and decided that they needed a change or felt that it was ok for them to make their own mind up about how long to keep their hair.
Re: Buzzcuts to longhair
Posted by Rick on October 04, 2002 at 15:45:11: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Buzzcuts to longhair posted by lettingitgrow on September 26, 2002 at 16:04:56:
I've never had a buzzcut but I've grown my hair for the last year from a short back and sides. It's just about shoulder length now. Psychologically the most difficult time so far was when I just looked like I was overdue for a haircut. Now I wouldn't dream of getting it cut! I have always hated having my hair fiddled with by another man, and found it just about tolerable if done properly by a woman!
Cheers, Rick
Re: Buzzcuts to longhair
Posted by Cactus Jack on September 27, 2002 at 10:40:59: Previous Next
In Reply to: Buzzcuts to longhair posted by Hair Religion on September 25, 2002 at 22:36:56:
i had a buzzcut almost all my life
i kinda wanted long hair for a while but was really too lazy to let it grow out lol figuring a buzzcut was easier
but my girlfriend encouraged me to let it grow and i figured what the heck, i might as well do what i want with it so i let it grow, although it seems like it's starting to go grey i'm thinking of going for waste length if i can reach it before terminal length kicks in :-)