can school do this?
Posted by somedude on September 26, 2002 at 14:28:36: Previous Next
im in the sixth-form (what i believe you guys in th US call senior highschool) and although both the men and the women are permitted to grow their hair long. However, i have been instructed by my head-of-year to wear my hair back in a ponytail or to be kicked out! There are many reasons for me to refuse wearing my hair back: first of all, i find it quite uncomfortable, second of all i have discoloured acne scars on the sides of my face and the sides and back of my neck. Wearing a ponytail would expose these scars and severely damage my self-esteem/confidence. I asked if i could discuss the issue of my hair with him but he flat out refuses- he says that the two other guys with long hair in my year both tie their hair back so why shouldnt i? I HAVE ACNE SCARS AND THEY DONT! He doesnt know how bad my acne scars are or how they affect me but it is really embarassing for me to talk about it with anyone, i cant even talk about it with my parents! I am afraid to bring it up with him incase he totally dismisses my arguement as an excuse. Help me anyone please??
Feelin' for ya
Posted by SPEEDRACER on September 26, 2002 at 15:04:15: Previous Next
In Reply to: can school do this? posted by somedude on September 26, 2002 at 14:28:36:
...second of all i have discoloured acne scars on the sides of my face and the sides and back of my neck. Wearing a ponytail would expose these scars and severely damage my self-esteem/confidence...
Just about everybody I have ever known has had acne in some shape or form during the high school's a part of life I suppose. I remember when I was in High School in gym class...back when you had a "shirts" team and a "skins" team there was a guy in my grade that had a pretty bad case of acne on the backs of his shoulders, his chest, etc. Anyway, he simply made the coach aware of his problem and the coach made sure he was always on the "shirts" team. He was really a nice guy from what I can remember - a little on the shy side, a little on the low self-esteem side, etc. but all in all he simply made the coach aware of his problem and the coach took care of him. It sounds like your situation might not be as easy as the one I have just shared, but it is indeed worth a shot?! Aside from going to Michael Jackson's personal surgeon, those scars are you...the sooner you can accept this as the way it is the better off you'll be. Be strong! Walk with pride! But most of all, just be yourself. You said you cannot even talk about this with your parents? Then my advice is start talking about this with your parents...the more you talk the better it will make you feel - sounds kind of backwards, but it sounds like it just might work to me. Keep growing your hair...maybe use your hair as your strength and let your confidence & self-esteem come through your hair. Good Luck.
Feelin' for ya
Posted by LucksKind on September 26, 2002 at 15:44:52: Previous Next
In Reply to: Feelin' for ya posted by SPEEDRACER on September 26, 2002 at 15:04:15:
I agree 100%...SPEEDRACER...
Re: can school do this?
Posted by HairGarden on September 26, 2002 at 15:22:17: Previous Next
In Reply to: can school do this? posted by somedude on September 26, 2002 at 14:28:36:
Question...Do they make the girls tie their hair into a ponytail? Might be able to use that in an argument.
Re: can school do this?
Posted by Victor on September 26, 2002 at 15:40:09: Previous Next
In Reply to: can school do this? posted by somedude on September 26, 2002 at 14:28:36:
What country are you from? If it were here, I would recommend you visit your conselor at school and discuss it with him/her. Who is this person you call "head-of-year"?
Re: can school do this?
Posted by SixStringThing on September 26, 2002 at 17:21:33: Previous Next
In Reply to: can school do this? posted by somedude on September 26, 2002 at 14:28:36:
Well at least they let you have long hair, many schools make you cut it. And be glad you just have acne scars, I have acne AND the scars, but whatcha gonna do?
Re: can school do this?
Posted by gilee7 on September 27, 2002 at 16:33:12: Previous Next
In Reply to: can school do this? posted by somedude on September 26, 2002 at 14:28:36:
You seem pretty bummed about having acne scars, like they are some disease or something. When I was in 7th grade I had acne real bad on my forehead and it left a lot of acne scars there. I felt very bad about them like u do now, especially when people would point them out or make fun. But now most have went away. I still have about 3 of them maybe and u can only see them close-up, but as far as my whole forehead being covered that is nothing. If you put some kind of acne fighting stuff that should help them to go away. Tell them that you will wear your hair up when all the girl's with longhair and everybody else with longhair wears their hair up as well.