Idea For A Hair Growth Rate Product...

Idea For A Hair Growth Rate Product...
Posted by Aaron on September 30, 2002 at 19:59:21: Previous Next

I've been reading from several websites that the best way to increase your hair growth rate is to stimulate the scalp to bring more blood near the roots, therefore increasing growth. So, my thought is, what if there was a product that massaged your scalp while you slept at night? If you could get to sleep with it on your head, wouldn't that reasonably be a good thing to do to keep blood circulating in your scalp? Since most of the body's repairing and growing goes on during prolonged, wouldn't it make since to sort of "boost" your hair growth by something that could bring blood flow to the scalp? It would be awesome if the product actually worked and sped up a person's hair growth rate... I'd buy it.

Any feedback on this subject would be greatly appreciated!

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