a 2 time around..

a 2 time around..
Posted by Dan on October 04, 2002 at 17:17:38: Previous Next

Ok glad to find this message board. Bare with me. I tried to grow my hair out long..4 months went by and I got to the really hard part. Where its still long but you can't tie it back, and you curse a lot. I've decided to a put a little more stink on it, and try again. Last time I cut was in July. Its right back to where I started. I know there is no miracle pill for hair growth, but any tips? All I want his hair long enough to tie back..like Banderas on "Desperdo". Its getting to be fall/winter...don't really have anything better to do so I said screw it, I'll grow it out. Last time I got it cut short, it still didn't do what I wanted it to. Least this way I'll be able to tie it back if I want. Plus I've always wanted to do it.

So tips? support?

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