Combing wet hair

Combing wet hair
Posted by Summerpixie on October 08, 2002 at 14:03:03: Previous Next

I was reading a few messages down that some people actualy comb their hair when it's wet. Try to avoid it if possible, it's got a whole scientific reason to it, but there is a certain "binding" (if my term is right) that is broken when hair is wet and that makes wet hair more weak than dryer hair. Wet hair can be easily manipulated to change shape, that is why hair is allways wet when it gets styled, like putting curlers in to give straight hair curls or to blowdry hair in a certain style. The best time to comb your hair is a while after it has been washed or has been wet, when the hair is dry, but has a littlebit of moisture in it.

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