Beard and Hair Protection

Beard and Hair Protection
Posted by Greenleaf on October 09, 2002 at 15:01:50: Previous Next

I posted the following message on the Beard Community, but feel it is relevant to long hair as well:

I have spent some time thinking about the suggestions in the other thread, and would be willing to volunteer to work on building this currently hypothetical non-profit agency promoting bearded individuals.

I understand the ideals would be to promote beard awareness, and to help individuals being discriminated against or oppressed based upon their decision to wear facial hair.

I believe that many non-facial-haired individuals react out of ignorance as to just how important our hair is to us. So this should also be an attempt to educate the general public.

This is NOT a one religion issue, neither is this a sexual (gay, straight, celibate) issue. Although each of these may be part of the individuals reasons for growing out their facial hair. Did that make sense?

This is NOT a one man job though, and if any of you are an attorney some pro bono work setting up the organization would be needed. Also assistance would be needed in the cases of employment discrimination.

Is this worth persuing and is anyone else truly interested in this?

Could we perhaps broaden the issue to any hair issue? Long hair, etc.

I have also mentioned before that a get together of many of us to discuss some of these issues we face is still valid and would be a wonderful starting place.

Maybe some of you wonderful Internet Guru's could help with promotion. I know some people with contacts in the media, so we might be able to get some coverage.

How about some feedback. (Positive and Negative, but please be sensitive to personal attacks).


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