Thinking of moving to Florida...
Posted by Joseph Amarillo on October 15, 2002 at 06:49:03: Previous Next
Hello everyone,
I'm a second year college student at the University of San Carlos, which is in the Philippines. I dislike the way longhairs are treated here in my country, so my option is to move to another one.
I won't have a lot of problems while I'm studying, except in the CWTS subject. Male CWTS (Civic Welfare Training Service) students are made to follow numerous unfair rules which are not applied to females, like "no earrings" (I have none), no long hair (I want to have long hair!), etc.
I WILL have a lot of problems when I work. The "democratic" ways of my country are an illusion, displayed proudly when foreigners come to visit. But the truth is, my country is annoyingly conservative, conformist, and sexist.
To give you an idea of how sexist my country is, picture this: Female college students are made to wear uniforms in my country, while we male students are given the freedom to choose what we want to wear. Many have tried to change this system, but the majority of Filipinos actually think that this system is "fair".
The government claims that all Filipinos are "equal". Hypocrites... This is not the only flaw; there are a lot more, but I won't waste my time in writing about all of my country's flaws.
Anyway, what do you think of Florida? I have an uncle in Florida, and I'm planning on studying there. So...
Is Florida tolerant of longhairs like me? I don't want to be forced into cutting my hair short just because a narrow-minded boss thinks that my hair looks "messy". Stupid conformists...
Re: Thinking of moving to Florida...
Posted by Chris on October 15, 2002 at 08:45:24: Previous Next
In Reply to: Thinking of moving to Florida... posted by Joseph Amarillo on October 15, 2002 at 06:49:03:
Hey man,
To be honest with you, while this country is fairly tolerant of longhairs, you're still going to run into very many people who are going to judge you and put you down because of your long hair, and you will be somewhat of an "outcast" or noncomformist just for the fact of your long hair. But you will find places to fit in as well. It can be hard to get a decent job with long hair here in the states too, but there's plenty of good jobs available as well for guys with long hair. Florida is a good choice... the only state I can think of that would be any more tolerant or even accepting of longhairs would be California.
If your long hair is that important to you, and you might have something going for you in Florida, I say go for it. I've never been to the Philippines, and now it doesn't sound like a place I much want to go to either. Of course no country is perfect... The USA still has a long way to go before we are that... but more tolerant, definitely. Freaks abound here.
: Hello everyone,
: I'm a second year college student at the University of San Carlos, which is in the Philippines. I dislike the way longhairs are treated here in my country, so my option is to move to another one.
: I won't have a lot of problems while I'm studying, except in the CWTS subject. Male CWTS (Civic Welfare Training Service) students are made to follow numerous unfair rules which are not applied to females, like "no earrings" (I have none), no long hair (I want to have long hair!), etc.
: I WILL have a lot of problems when I work. The "democratic" ways of my country are an illusion, displayed proudly when foreigners come to visit. But the truth is, my country is annoyingly conservative, conformist, and sexist.
: To give you an idea of how sexist my country is, picture this: Female college students are made to wear uniforms in my country, while we male students are given the freedom to choose what we want to wear. Many have tried to change this system, but the majority of Filipinos actually think that this system is "fair".
: The government claims that all Filipinos are "equal". Hypocrites... This is not the only flaw; there are a lot more, but I won't waste my time in writing about all of my country's flaws.
: Anyway, what do you think of Florida? I have an uncle in Florida, and I'm planning on studying there. So...
: Is Florida tolerant of longhairs like me? I don't want to be forced into cutting my hair short just because a narrow-minded boss thinks that my hair looks "messy". Stupid conformists...