hair comes out in shower ?
Posted by tommy turbo on October 16, 2002 at 00:37:08: Previous Next
When I washed my hair tonight I figured I would try putting my head forward and let the hair fall forward and wash it that way. I thought it would get more of the stuff off the scalp and stimulate it more, rather than doing what I would usally do.
Usually I just keep my head up and the hair falls like it usally does, and I wash it carefully that way.
I still washed carefully tonight but I had a LOT of hair come out and get caught in the thing I stick in the drain to catch them. A big wad or ball of hair, much more than usaull. Maybe 5 to 6 times more, ALOT.
What does this mean? How much should come out?
How much comes out when you all wash your hair?
PS I always loose more when I wash it, than normal brushing.
Re: hair comes out in shower ?
Posted by Nyghtfall on October 16, 2002 at 01:15:43: Previous Next
In Reply to: hair comes out in shower ? posted by tommy turbo on October 16, 2002 at 00:37:08:
: What does this mean?
You've got several hears that have collectively decided, "Let's beat it!"
: How much should come out?
Well, I've personally never heard of any "official" report specifying how much should come out. I mean, one can't exactly predict when hair will come out for anyone. It all depends on your hair.
: How much comes out when you all wash your hair?
Ten, twenty strands maybe? Sometimes more. I've yet to wash my hair and not have any hair come out. Some always does. No worries. It's just my head's way of ridding itself of all the damaged/broken hair I've amassed.
Keep in mind, unless male pattern baldness runs in your family, the loss of hair while you brush and/or shower is really nothing to concern yourself with. The average human head has a LOT of hair on it, and it ALL grows back.
Re: hair comes out in shower ?
Posted by tommy turbo on October 16, 2002 at 11:25:14: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: hair comes out in shower ? posted by Nyghtfall on October 16, 2002 at 01:15:43:
I am concerned because it was so many more than usual, I don't think I have ever seen so much come out at once. My hair still seems ok no empty patches or anything, but I just don't ever remember so many comming out.
Re: hair comes out in shower ?
Posted by Nyghtfall on October 16, 2002 at 14:42:48: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: hair comes out in shower ? posted by tommy turbo on October 16, 2002 at 11:25:14:
: I am concerned because it was so many more than usual, I don't think I have ever seen so much come out at once. My hair still seems ok no empty patches or anything, but I just don't ever remember so many comming out.
Perhaps you should seek advice from a professional stylist then?