hair comes out in shower ?

hair comes out in shower ?
Posted by tommy turbo on October 16, 2002 at 00:37:08: Previous Next

When I washed my hair tonight I figured I would try putting my head forward and let the hair fall forward and wash it that way. I thought it would get more of the stuff off the scalp and stimulate it more, rather than doing what I would usally do.

Usually I just keep my head up and the hair falls like it usally does, and I wash it carefully that way.

I still washed carefully tonight but I had a LOT of hair come out and get caught in the thing I stick in the drain to catch them. A big wad or ball of hair, much more than usaull. Maybe 5 to 6 times more, ALOT.

What does this mean? How much should come out?

How much comes out when you all wash your hair?

PS I always loose more when I wash it, than normal brushing.

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