A few more informative links
Posted by Nyghtfall on October 16, 2002 at 01:43:27: Previous Next
Hair News Magazine - Does cutting your hair frequently, make it grow healthy and long?
I found a particularly interesting excerpt from the magazine article above. It seems to back many of your all's decision to never let another pair of scissors even come close to your hair again:
Cutting your hair only makes it shorter, does not affect the growth rate one iota, and cannot determine the length that your hair will grow to. Maximum hair length is determined by the shape and width of the hair shaft, and that is determined genetically and is not alterable with current technology.
Lastly, hair is neither healthy or unhealthy. It is in fact, dead. Else, it would really hurt to cut it. It is the health of the hair follicle below the outer skin that requires nutrients for good health, and no adverse hormonal activity.
So, unless you have split ends or chemically damaged hair, the only need to cut the hair is for the look that you want.
The way I read this, trimming one's split ends only creates the illusion of healthier looking hair, thus making it appear to grow faster.
Kid's Health - Why Does Hair Turn Grey?
Re: A few more informative links
Posted by Wolff on October 16, 2002 at 13:24:54: Previous Next
In Reply to: A few more informative links posted by Nyghtfall on October 16, 2002 at 01:43:27:
" The hairs that you collect from the bathtub drain or your comb are not hairs you killed with rough treatment. They are hairs that lived a full life, enjoyed a three-month retirement, and then were pushed out of the way by eager, young hairs."
Ah yes, that oh so common issue. There you have it!