Posted by Justin on October 18, 2002 at 22:19:18: Previous Next

Sure, whatever stage one is in growing-out their hair........why not What......"enjoy" The so-called "awkward stage?" Well, with a good sense of humor, if one is able to laugh at themselves why not? Enjoy looking like (who knows what?) and having it change minute by minute, day by day, month to month etc. Why not make it fun? You are your own self and ever so different and unique. Just enjoy every moment........have patience......just laugh at the "negative comments" along the way. The pay-off after 2 years? You will tower above ALL in a glorious head of hair as Nature intended that will set you apart from most of "un-natural society." Suddenly you have reached your goal......in a very happy way! Rejoice at being a free-spirit at last! And then,so many will no doubt be jealous of you as suddenly you rake-in all of the positive comments, are noticed like never before..........and yes, actually a "hero" now in the minds of the timid who can only think "I wish." But could it be that they are wishing for something that nature wanted for them but the "mechanical age" has "sheared-away?" Any comments?

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