Would like to grow my hair long

Would like to grow my hair long
Posted by Jack Ali on October 24, 2002 at 12:28:21: Previous Next

Thanks for taking the time out to read/reply to my message.

I am a 27/yr Male, I would like to grow my hair long, to below my neck. I used to have my hair long back in my early days of college, back then someone had told me to get it cut in a certain style and then let it grow and trim the sides at they grow longer, now when I asked my stylist she said just let it grow, I am little confused as to what I should do to grow my hair long, currently my hair are short, this would be the first month I would be going without a hair cut.

Also, do you have any advice on how to take care of my hair during that interim period when your hair just is not the right lenght and is unmanagable.

I have really thick and dark hair, i am from the middle east, and they start to get wavy as they get longer.


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