The Bible and long hair
Posted by Ta r i k h on October 24, 2002 at 12:58:49: Previous Next
Many Christians claim that God does not want men to have long hair. They are wrong: God loves long-haired men.
According to God's law, a man must not cut the hair at the sides of his head and he must not clip the edges of his beard. (Leviticus 19:27) If a man is a NazariteŅone who is specially dedicated to God - he must not cut his hair at all. (Numbers 6:5)
The Bible tells us that Absalom, king David's son, was the most handsome man in all Israel: he cut his hair only once a year. (2 Samuel 14:25)
The apostle Paul, however, wrote: "Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him?" (l Corinthians 11:14). But nature teaches us nothing of the sort. Perhaps Paul, who was bald, was jealous of men who had long hair. He had also repudiated God's law, so he felt free to invent laws of his own. (Galatians 2:16, etc.)
Jesus, however, did not repudiate God's law. ŌDo not think that I came to abolish the law or the prophets... For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth pass away, not one letter, not one stroke of a letter, will pass away until all is accomplished" (Matthew 5:17-18).
We can therefore safely conclude, on biblical evidence, that Jesus, too, had long hair and a long beard, just as orthodox Jews have to this very day. So fellows, if you fear God, love Jesus, and want to be the most handsome men in the land, get your hair cut only once a year. And never shave.
Re: The Bible and long hair
Posted by The Rev on October 24, 2002 at 13:26:05: Previous Next
In Reply to: The Bible and long hair posted by Ta r i k h on October 24, 2002 at 12:58:49:
No disrespect to those of you who've kept this whole controversy of God and hair alive, but I don't remember asking God for His opinion. The Rev
Re: The Bible and long hair
Posted by Petros on October 24, 2002 at 17:47:37: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: The Bible and long hair posted by The Rev on October 24, 2002 at 13:26:05:
That is a great cartoon!! Major LOL!
i see the cartoon and wonder...
Posted by j.s. on October 24, 2002 at 18:56:14: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: The Bible and long hair posted by The Rev on October 24, 2002 at 13:26:05:
... if God keeps skinned people in mason jars, what kind of knife does He use to skin them and where does He keep the unskinned ones?
Re: The Bible and long hair
Posted by Mmmm on November 03, 2002 at 02:49:10: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: The Bible and long hair posted by The Rev on October 24, 2002 at 13:26:05:
Plese, let's all respect each other's beliefs, no matter what they are. If you don't believe in God and there are others who do, don't disrespect their beliefs.
Oh, no. Not this again.
Posted by Dan on October 24, 2002 at 13:36:03: Previous Next
In Reply to: The Bible and long hair posted by Ta r i k h on October 24, 2002 at 12:58:49:
Didn't we just get done with this discussion about 3 weeks ago??
Re: Oh, no. Not this again.
Posted by T a r i k h on October 24, 2002 at 15:58:22: Previous Next
In Reply to: Oh, no. Not this again. posted by Dan on October 24, 2002 at 13:36:03:
I`m sorry, I wasn`t aware.
Re: Oh, no. Not this again.
Posted by Dan on October 24, 2002 at 16:06:08: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Oh, no. Not this again. posted by T a r i k h on October 24, 2002 at 15:58:22:
Oh, don't be sorry. This topic seems to come up about every three months anyway. You would have enjoyed some of the comments. Usually, it gets off track and turns into a debate about religion untill we are reminded that this topic dosen't mix well here.
On another note, every week, you'll see a post that goes something like this:
" I want to grow my hair long. How ofter should I CUT it?"
I just want to scream everythime I hear that.
Re: The Bable and long hair
Posted by Hair Religion on October 24, 2002 at 14:58:15: Previous Next
In Reply to: The Bible and long hair posted by Ta r i k h on October 24, 2002 at 12:58:49:
Yea, this "discussion" will never completely go away. One reason is that there are always new people coming in and have either run into these issues before or are discovering it now.
>>So fellows, if you fear God, love Jesus, and want to be the most handsome men in the land, get your hair cut only once a year. And never shave.
And if you don't fear any god stories then do what YOU want to do. Make the best decisions for yourself.
Posted by Dan on October 24, 2002 at 15:52:28: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: The Bable and long hair posted by Hair Religion on October 24, 2002 at 14:58:15:
Live for TODAY!! "Peace"
: And if you don't fear any god stories then do what YOU want to do. Make the best decisions for yourself.
Michelangelo painted God with long...
Posted by LucksKind on October 24, 2002 at 15:53:23: Previous Next
In Reply to: The Bible and long hair posted by Ta r i k h on October 24, 2002 at 12:58:49:
......white hair...
Yeah, but...
Posted by The Rev on October 24, 2002 at 16:22:31: Previous Next
In Reply to: Michelangelo painted God with long... posted by LucksKind on October 24, 2002 at 15:53:23:
: ......white hair...
He also painted Her as a male, so so much for Michelangelo.
The Rev
Re: The Bible and long hair
Posted by Cactus Jack on October 24, 2002 at 17:29:36: Previous Next
In Reply to: The Bible and long hair posted by Ta r i k h on October 24, 2002 at 12:58:49:
i don't know why people make such a big deal of this
either one way or the other
first ANYONE saying that is says that it's a sin to have long hair is not right, there taking something paul said COMPLETLY out of context
GOD gave us free will, and yes i do believe that even means on how how long your hair is,
i mean it's no biggie,
GOD loves all regardless of how you choose to look
Re: The Bible and long hair
Posted by Frank Peden on November 01, 2002 at 13:00:51: Previous Next
In Reply to: The Bible and long hair posted by Ta r i k h on October 24, 2002 at 12:58:49:
: Many Christians claim that God does not want men to have long hair. They are wrong: God loves long-haired men.
: According to God's law, a man must not cut the hair at the sides of his head and he must not clip the edges of his beard. (Leviticus 19:27) If a man is a NazariteŅone who is specially dedicated to God - he must not cut his hair at all. (Numbers 6:5)
I came across your comments while doing a study on Leviticus 19:27. On the surface, it seems that either (1) You may not cut the end of your hair (i.e., no haircuts or shaves at all); or (2) you may not altar your hairline. This command was given in the context that includes witchcraft and other heathen practices. For certain heathen rituals, a person's hair would be cut in a certain circular pattern. To make sure God's people do not practice heathen rites, "rounding the corners of the head" was prohibited in support of keeping the first of the ten commandments. Thus, the prohibition is not against cutting hair, but the style of the haircut. Unfortunately, it seems that many "Christian priests" today directly violate this law, cutting their hair in exactly the proscribed manner. (Unfortunately, the same "Christian priests" also openly and regularly violate certain of the Ten Commandments.)
The command about the beard would be along the same lines. Shaving is not prohibited. But "marring" or "destroying" the beard in a certain manner or style is prohibited.
Once you understand this, then it Paul's teaching about men and hair no longer conflicts with Leviticus. As far as Absolom goes, the Bible makes no comment on whether it was right or wrong for him to wear his hair this way.