The Bible and long hair

The Bible and long hair
Posted by Ta r i k h on October 24, 2002 at 12:58:49: Previous Next

Many Christians claim that God does not want men to have long hair. They are wrong: God loves long-haired men.

According to God's law, a man must not cut the hair at the sides of his head and he must not clip the edges of his beard. (Leviticus 19:27) If a man is a NazariteŅone who is specially dedicated to God - he must not cut his hair at all. (Numbers 6:5)

The Bible tells us that Absalom, king David's son, was the most handsome man in all Israel: he cut his hair only once a year. (2 Samuel 14:25)

The apostle Paul, however, wrote: "Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him?" (l Corinthians 11:14). But nature teaches us nothing of the sort. Perhaps Paul, who was bald, was jealous of men who had long hair. He had also repudiated God's law, so he felt free to invent laws of his own. (Galatians 2:16, etc.)

Jesus, however, did not repudiate God's law. ŌDo not think that I came to abolish the law or the prophets... For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth pass away, not one letter, not one stroke of a letter, will pass away until all is accomplished" (Matthew 5:17-18).

We can therefore safely conclude, on biblical evidence, that Jesus, too, had long hair and a long beard, just as orthodox Jews have to this very day. So fellows, if you fear God, love Jesus, and want to be the most handsome men in the land, get your hair cut only once a year. And never shave.

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