Starting out Grooming tips...
Posted by Dan on October 24, 2002 at 23:31:06: Previous Next
A little confused on the steps when you're trying to get the most growth possible. So if someone would go into a weekly thing. ie.."Monday-wash hair, condtion..Tuesday-condtion.."
Something like that. Wouldn't want to be slowing down the growth by over washing, and such. Right now, my hair is long enough were it can be slicked back, and not have any hair sticking out, but the back is all I could tie it back if I had a something really small to tie it with..make like a puny pony tail out of the hair in the back. What stage would you call that? The Funny stage? Its only been growing for 2 months at least.
Re: Starting out Grooming tips...
Posted by Baldie the Eagle on October 25, 2002 at 00:16:41: Previous Next
In Reply to: Starting out Grooming tips... posted by Dan on October 24, 2002 at 23:31:06:
: A little confused on the steps when you're trying to get the most growth possible. So if someone would go into a weekly thing. ie.."Monday-wash hair, condtion..Tuesday-condtion.."
: Something like that. Wouldn't want to be slowing down the growth by over washing, and such. Right now, my hair is long enough were it can be slicked back, and not have any hair sticking out, but the back is all I could tie it back if I had a something really small to tie it with..make like a puny pony tail out of the hair in the back. What stage would you call that? The Funny stage? Its only been growing for 2 months at least.
This is the Experimental stage, where you gain experience of your hair and try to avoid going mental. Seriously, though, this is the time when you find out how your hair is going to behave.
I'd suggest the following
- wash your hair only when it feels to need it
- learn to deal with your hair carefully and slowly so that you don't damage it
- at each stage, if you come across a problem of it being awkward, try to find a simple, practical solution
- let time and growth solve the problems
- experment with styles until you find one that suits you
- read the archives of this board and you'll find lots of help, and ask questions if you can't find the answer. Someone, somewhere will be happy to give you good advice. We have all been there!
Re: Starting out Grooming tips...
Posted by Wolff on October 25, 2002 at 08:33:07: Previous Next
In Reply to: Starting out Grooming tips... posted by Dan on October 24, 2002 at 23:31:06:
Ok, this is how it's gone this week and more or less how I usually do it.
Mond - Shampoo with Aussie Mango Smoothy/Condition with Aussie Slip
Tues - Nothing... just let natural oils come back
Wedn - Condition with Aussie Moist
Thur - Same as Monday
Frid - Nothing
Satu - Condition with Aussie Moist
Sund - Condition with Slip Detangler
And here's an easier version (lol):
Mon - Shampoo/Condition
Tue - Nothing
Wed - Condition
Thu - Shampoo/Condition
Fri - Nothing
Sat - Condition
Sun - Condition
Re: Starting out Grooming tips...
Posted by Chris on October 25, 2002 at 14:18:51: Previous Next
In Reply to: Starting out Grooming tips... posted by Dan on October 24, 2002 at 23:31:06:
It's different for everyone. You'll get the idea after doing some experimenting. Of course, we can help to give you some direction. For one, unless you have VERY oily hair DO NOT wash every day. Wash every other day at the MOST. I personally wash about once a week. Some like conditioner, some don't. I don't use it. It just makes my hair fluffier. On the 6 days of the week that I don't wash, I either leave my hair dry or rinse it in the shower (with cool or slightly warm water), or wet it a little with my hands.
What are you going through right now in terms of the way your hair is acting is called the "awkward stage." Nearly everyone goes through it. Just tough it out. It'll pass. Good luck!
: A little confused on the steps when you're trying to get the most growth possible. So if someone would go into a weekly thing. ie.."Monday-wash hair, condtion..Tuesday-condtion.."
: Something like that. Wouldn't want to be slowing down the growth by over washing, and such. Right now, my hair is long enough were it can be slicked back, and not have any hair sticking out, but the back is all I could tie it back if I had a something really small to tie it with..make like a puny pony tail out of the hair in the back. What stage would you call that? The Funny stage? Its only been growing for 2 months at least.