Hare Hare Everywhere?!
Posted by SPEEDRACER on October 25, 2002 at 12:33:25: Previous Next
Looks to me like you took a beating & a lashing from others on the board concerning your comments about "treyns" cut?! I totally respect your opinion and glad that you chose to voice it...but on the other hand I only ask that you be a touch more kind with your words next time. I hope to see more posts from you in the future, but just be sensitive about one's choice of how they wear their hair. We take enough beating as it is without having someone on the very board that we go for support to be bashing us too.
We all have opinions...and although I might not care for certain styles I still respect that person for the simple fact that the way they wear their hair is the style that makes them happy. I do not like every single hair style I see and I'm sure that there are some that don't care for my hair style either...but the truth of the matter is that all of us choose the style that "we" feel looks the best.
Again, do not feel bad and do not feel scared to post again...just be careful next time and show support to others here.
Please forgive me to all - I just found out a few weeks ago that my wife is pregnant with our first child so I suppose I am simply practicing on those "father speeches" with this post I have just posted.
msg thread in question deleted
Posted by j.s. on October 26, 2002 at 06:22:57: Previous Next
In Reply to: Hare Hare Everywhere?! posted by SPEEDRACER on October 25, 2002 at 12:33:25:
the flame post and its responses were deleted.
Re: msg thread in question deleted
Posted by A Webmaster's Assistant on October 26, 2002 at 11:18:32: Previous Next
In Reply to: msg thread in question deleted posted by j.s. on October 26, 2002 at 06:22:57:
: the flame post and its responses were deleted.
Yes, we've had a troll. One individual was posting under various names. Last night we trashed the thread he started that dissed Treyn's hair and the thread where he pretended to be Treyn shorn. (We have not heard from Treyn since the post Thursday night where he lost his server. Presume it is his net connection, not his hair, that has been cut off. He'll surely be back.)
The troll made a derogatory comment about Treyn at least one other time. The troll dissed the hair style of the heroic youth who stood up to his school in Rhode Island and has surely fouled the board with his presence in a few other places. We won't bother to ferret out and delete his scattered posts other than the two major threads dealing with Treyn.
What do events like this teach us? Never take it seriously when someone you don't know is disrespectful to you on here. Without fail, we've found that those who treat you that way will at the same time be using different names to anonymously do the same thing to others. Put simply, "Dude, the problem's not with you, it's with THEM."