Re: a message for everyone
Posted by Timothy on October 25, 2002 at 22:18:00: Previous Next
In Reply to: a message for everyone posted by Treyn on October 25, 2002 at 20:14:24:
: Due to recent criticism about my undercut, I have decided to shave my head completely, and never grow my hair long again. Peace!!!!
This is very perplexing. You have been a true long hair advocate - even helping many of us post pictures, etc. and now due to "a recent criticism" you're going to "shave your head and never grow your hair long again". I don't get it and believe that you are (and perhaps have always been) on the fence abut long hair in spite of what you say and have said. However, in spite of my observations and opinions I have always found you to be a kind, respectful and helpful man. No doubt you will maintain those qualities and traits whether your hair is waist length or shaved bald. It is your hair, and it is your choice. Good luck and Peace to you!!!!