Going grey, Why me?
Posted by catlin on October 30, 2002 at 19:18:35: Previous Next
I am a 45 SWM that is in great shape. All my life I have had long thick dark brown hair, but now the long strands of grey are appearing. It is the only thing that is starting to reveal my age. I do not what to get into the dye scene but I also do not want the grey. I have been taking the minerals and vitimins, but to no avail. It is difficult to comprehend that this is happening to me. Do not get me wrong, I am not vain. My hair is not yet even 10% grey and is still full and thick. It is just what I am seeing gives me the feeling I am being pushed down the corridors to the geriatrics ward. I feel as if every girl I meet is thinking I am an old man. I DON'T WANT TO GET OLD; YET IF I MUST, I DO NOT WANT THE WORLD TO SEE IT. SOME ONE PLEASE HELP ME.
I know there is a cure out there, but the DAMN TO HELL dye industry quenches any attempts for it. Like the oil industry, there are alternative fuels-THERE IS JUST TOO MUCH DAMN MONEY INVOLVED. BASTARDS.
How about...
Posted by Luckskind on October 30, 2002 at 19:29:24: Previous Next
In Reply to: Going grey, Why me? posted by catlin on October 30, 2002 at 19:18:35:
....Grecian Formula (or something similar) to 'gradually blend...
away the gray'?
Don't PaNiC! You are probably onley experiencing the early onset...
of what is commonly known as MORTality...
Don't sweat it...everybuddy has it...it's just that some don't know it.
& if it's any comfort to you, I know a guy who went COMPLETELY WHITE...
at age 35!
Calm down now...
before it turns into a case of full-blown mid-Life Crises,
and that would not be a pretty site at all...believe me.
Re: Going grey, Why me?
Posted by Robert on October 30, 2002 at 21:21:53: Previous Next
In Reply to: Going grey, Why me? posted by catlin on October 30, 2002 at 19:18:35:
: I am a 45 SWM that is in great shape. All my life I have had long thick dark brown hair, but now the long strands of grey are appearing. It is the only thing that is starting to reveal my age. I do not what to get into the dye scene but I also do not want the grey. I have been taking the minerals and vitimins, but to no avail. It is difficult to comprehend that this is happening to me. Do not get me wrong, I am not vain. My hair is not yet even 10% grey and is still full and thick. It is just what I am seeing gives me the feeling I am being pushed down the corridors to the geriatrics ward. I feel as if every girl I meet is thinking I am an old man. I DON'T WANT TO GET OLD; YET IF I MUST, I DO NOT WANT THE WORLD TO SEE IT. SOME ONE PLEASE HELP ME.
: I know there is a cure out there, but the DAMN TO HELL dye industry quenches any attempts for it. Like the oil industry, there are alternative fuels-THERE IS JUST TOO MUCH DAMN MONEY INVOLVED. BASTARDS.
Hey, I'e got light brown hair and I started turning grey/white when I was 30 some, (47 now). Thanx to being in the sun here lately, my hair went almost to blond, the grey/white helped I guess. But don't fret, it happens to us all. If you notice, even animals turn grey with age. Face it, it happens.
Re: Going grey, Why me?
Posted by Cactus Jack on October 30, 2002 at 23:13:31: Previous Next
In Reply to: Going grey, Why me? posted by catlin on October 30, 2002 at 19:18:35:
hey man don't worry about it,happens to us all at some point ooner or later, i'm only 20 and i've gone like 40 percent grey already and it dosent bother me one bit, i don't bother with dyes because i figure it just looks better leaving it the way God made it
don't let it bother you, you know in ancient cultures
having all Grey or white hair was considered a sign of great wisdom, why mess with that?
Re: Going grey, Why me?
Posted by Baldie the Eagle on October 31, 2002 at 00:19:38: Previous Next
In Reply to: Going grey, Why me? posted by catlin on October 30, 2002 at 19:18:35:
I know it doesn't really help, but the truth is that there probably isn't a lot you can do.
You will still look young if you have a healthy head of long thick hair.
Although again it might not help, count yourself lucky that you have got all of your hair. I haven't, and what I still have got won't grow beyond 11 inches or so. It sounds cruel to ask if you want to swap your situation with mine, but I know what answer you will give.
Keep young by behaving young (not immature, that would be going too far) and the chances are people won't notice the grey. I find most people comment on the length of my hair rather than the baldness on top.
Good luck.
It is a gift if you let it be one
Posted by HairGarden on October 31, 2002 at 10:35:25: Previous Next
In Reply to: Going grey, Why me? posted by catlin on October 30, 2002 at 19:18:35:
Believe it or not a lot of women go for the older men...that old maturity, wisdom, and experience concept/theory. Not to mention, men start to look more distinguished with grey hair. Hell, although I am a long time married man, I get more girls and women flirting with me now than I did when I was a young man. Man, is that ever a high. Just don't sweat something that you cannot control. Maximize the potential that you do not yet realize you have...Hope you catch on, otherwise you are going to miss out. Also, do not act like the young buck or the old goat..hehehe
Re: Going grey, Why me?
Posted by Revolver Ocelot on October 31, 2002 at 13:44:15: Previous Next
In Reply to: Going grey, Why me? posted by catlin on October 30, 2002 at 19:18:35:
Are you kidding?! Your so lucky! I'm only 17, but I am looking forward to the days when I have long, grey hair and a HUGE beard!
You could look like Gandalf! EMBRACE IT!
Re: Going grey, Why me?
Posted by Bill S on October 31, 2002 at 20:19:11: Previous Next
In Reply to: Going grey, Why me? posted by catlin on October 30, 2002 at 19:18:35:
Old is a state of mind as much as a chronological state of being. I am a young 55 who has been "graying" for (literally) 30 years - almost white now. Have been keeping it at shoulder length and just got it shortened a little. I can pull it back (all of it) into a short tail or leave it in more of a "bob" style. And, most women sincerely compliment it. Guys don't say anything - which is fine because I don't care what they think.
Lighten up - or you will be an "old" 45. Be yourself. Enjoy...
Re: Going grey, Why me?
Posted by The Rev on October 31, 2002 at 21:32:44: Previous Next
In Reply to: Going grey, Why me? posted by catlin on October 30, 2002 at 19:18:35:
Few of us are chosen to be annointed ones. Revel in your grey, it is very cool.
The Rev