Going grey, Why me?

Going grey, Why me?
Posted by catlin on October 30, 2002 at 19:18:35: Previous Next

I am a 45 SWM that is in great shape. All my life I have had long thick dark brown hair, but now the long strands of grey are appearing. It is the only thing that is starting to reveal my age. I do not what to get into the dye scene but I also do not want the grey. I have been taking the minerals and vitimins, but to no avail. It is difficult to comprehend that this is happening to me. Do not get me wrong, I am not vain. My hair is not yet even 10% grey and is still full and thick. It is just what I am seeing gives me the feeling I am being pushed down the corridors to the geriatrics ward. I feel as if every girl I meet is thinking I am an old man. I DON'T WANT TO GET OLD; YET IF I MUST, I DO NOT WANT THE WORLD TO SEE IT. SOME ONE PLEASE HELP ME.
I know there is a cure out there, but the DAMN TO HELL dye industry quenches any attempts for it. Like the oil industry, there are alternative fuels-THERE IS JUST TOO MUCH DAMN MONEY INVOLVED. BASTARDS.

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