Test finally cut his hair
Posted by Wolff on November 04, 2002 at 21:11:04: Previous Next
Those of you who are watching RAW now, have just seen that Test cut his hair. I have to admit, i think it looks better.
Re: Test finally cut his hair
Posted by SixStringThing on November 04, 2002 at 22:20:19: Previous Next
In Reply to: Test finally cut his hair posted by Wolff on November 04, 2002 at 21:11:04:
: Those of you who are watching RAW now, have just seen that Test cut his hair. I have to admit, i think it looks better.
can someone post a pic. i dont watch wrestling anymore but I really want to see this.
Re: Test finally cut his hair
Posted by Carlos on November 05, 2002 at 13:43:19: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Test finally cut his hair posted by SixStringThing on November 04, 2002 at 22:20:19:
I just saw this on RAW last night, did they really have to hold him in the chair while a hairdresser ran in and started cutting? I'm no Test fan, but as a longhair these visuals gave me nightmares! Also, I was pissed when J.R. said something along the lines of, "He finally cut his mullet!" grrrrrrr!!! I think it's only a matter of time before there are no more longhairs in wrestling. As someone planning on entering the wrestling business, this little skit has angered me. Do they want every wrestler to look like a clone? Much like how the creativity has dwindled in the WWE, so have the unique hairstyles. I could rant about this for another hour but I'll stop. Hope to see some more replies from wrestling fans and anyone else.
Re: Test finally cut his hair
Posted by nWo_Slapnut on November 05, 2002 at 14:56:07: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Test finally cut his hair posted by Carlos on November 05, 2002 at 13:43:19:
JR is a biased, over-rated twit. Nevertheless, his words do sway the marks of the wrestling world, so his derogatory remark may have taken public acceptance of longhaired men down a notch (then again, if wrestling marks -WWE marks, more specifically- are the ones being influenced, does it really matter what they think?!?). Yeah, like JR has so much charm in his look that he has the right to criticize another. He's nothing but a pudgy redneck that's too conformist to experiment with his hair (or look in general).
And Carlos, if you're serious about getting into wrestling, stay the HELL away from Vince McMahon and the WWE (Hell, his federation may cease to exist by the time you make your move, seeing as how poor things have gotten over the past few years). Be a luchadore, or head out to Japan. Or perhaps Paul Heymen could start up a new ECW (not likely, but we can always dream, right?)...
Re: Test finally cut his hair
Posted by Carlos on November 06, 2002 at 09:28:44: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Test finally cut his hair posted by nWo_Slapnut on November 05, 2002 at 14:56:07:
Hey nWo Slapnut:
Good to see some criticism of J.R., the sad thing is he has so much "pull" behind the scenes we could see more haircuts in the upcoming weeks. I know that I'll probably have to head to Japan for work once I'm trained b/c like you I think the WWE will be dead in 3 years exactly, b/c that is when their contract expires with TNN. The good thing is, if Vince and company die off someone will definately start up a new promotion b/c look at all the "big name" stars who will be out of work.
: JR is a biased, over-rated twit. Nevertheless, his words do sway the marks of the wrestling world, so his derogatory remark may have taken public acceptance of longhaired men down a notch (then again, if wrestling marks -WWE marks, more specifically- are the ones being influenced, does it really matter what they think?!?). Yeah, like JR has so much charm in his look that he has the right to criticize another. He's nothing but a pudgy redneck that's too conformist to experiment with his hair (or look in general).
: And Carlos, if you're serious about getting into wrestling, stay the HELL away from Vince McMahon and the WWE (Hell, his federation may cease to exist by the time you make your move, seeing as how poor things have gotten over the past few years). Be a luchadore, or head out to Japan. Or perhaps Paul Heymen could start up a new ECW (not likely, but we can always dream, right?)...
About Getting Into Wrestling (to Carlos)
Posted by Cactus Jack on November 06, 2002 at 15:07:30: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Test finally cut his hair posted by nWo_Slapnut on November 05, 2002 at 14:56:07:
i'm just hoping that if the WWE goes the NWA can get built back up to what it was in the 80's and now they would have the stars to do it, insted of being a small indy promotion like it has been for the past 10 years after they split with WCW and wcw totally screwed them over with their lies it could finally be mainstream again
glad to see theres more then one of us here getting into wrestling, i'm in the middle of training myself
but after what i'm seeing with the WWE i wouldent be that thriled about ever working for them
seeing as how things are going i'll probabaly end up working in japan in FMW or NJPW or something :-(
NWA seems the place to be at the moment
because the wwe is going down the toilet and i'm too big to ever be a lunchador and there the only other major promotion here
To Cactus Jack ---> Where to Wrestle
Posted by nWo_Slapnut on November 07, 2002 at 02:40:55: Previous Next
In Reply to: About Getting Into Wrestling (to Carlos) posted by Cactus Jack on November 06, 2002 at 15:07:30:
Cactus Jack:
It sounds like you know your stuff when it comes to wrestling. This amuses me (as a long time fan of the sport), for although you've demonstrated a fine understanding of North-American based wrestling from pre-Stonecold days, you gave hint to what would most certainly have been a big mistake if you were to persue wrestling in Japan:
As excellent a federation as FMW used to be, it has not only changed over the years, but now ceases to operate. You read correctly: Frontier Martial Arts is finished (unfortunately). The federation initially suffered financial setbacks when its biggest star, Onita, decided to retire from the sport. However, following his departure, high-flyer Hayabusa managed to retain a considerable following for the federation. All was fine for the next few years, until the ownership of FMW changed hands and the new owner decided to change the predominant style of wrestling: No longer was FMW the place to see some of the sickest deathmatches in the history of the sport. FMW became seriously wattered down. With no ultra-violence to set it apart from other federations in Japan (where the sport is profusely prominent, unlike the monopoly situation we have in North America), FMW lost much of its fanbase since anyone could see matches of far better quality in such AJPW. Makes sense... Can you imagine going out to an FMW card to watch Mr. Pogo WRESTLE (And by wrestle, I mean engage in a match devoid of fire and weapons)?!?
But the final hit that sealed FMW's fate came when Hayabusa became paralyzed whilst preforming a lion-sault like move and landing improperly. Hayabusa had pretty much replaced Onita as their franchise wrestler, the man who kept the federation going. With Hayabusa paralyzed, in addition to years of dwindling sales, the owner of FMW committed suicide and the federation has since gone under.
... Just thought you should be aware. It would be quite a shame to fly all the way out to Japan with your hopes set on wrestling EXCLUSIVELY for FMW, only to find out it no longer exists.
By the way, judging by your handle and the style of the federations you've mentioned, do you intend to focus on hardcore wrestling? If so, there are still a few semi-big federations running within North America that you might want to check out: XPW of Los Angeles has attracted the likes of such ECW hardcore legends as Sabu, New Jack, and the Sandman, although I've heard nothing but bad reports about its quality of wrestling. Combat-Zone-Wrestling (CZW) is gaining a huge cult following, and one federation that you may be familiar with from Mick Foley's big win in the King of the Deathmatch Tournament (The IWA) has affiliated promotions running in the mid-states.
Re: To Cactus Jack
Posted by Carlos on November 07, 2002 at 12:09:15: Previous Next
In Reply to: To Cactus Jack ---> Where to Wrestle posted by nWo_Slapnut on November 07, 2002 at 02:40:55:
Hey Cactus:
Are you on MSN messenger or IRC I wouldn't mind chatting with you, since we are two longhairs trying to break into the wrestling businesss.
Re: To Cactus Jack
Posted by Cactus Jack on November 07, 2002 at 14:11:08: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: To Cactus Jack posted by Carlos on November 07, 2002 at 12:09:15:
yeah i have msn messanger,
if you want to chat that's cool with me
either add me to your buddy list or send me your email address and i'll do it
Re: To Cactus Jack ---> Where to Wrestle
Posted by Cactus Jack on November 07, 2002 at 14:24:35: Previous Next
In Reply to: To Cactus Jack ---> Where to Wrestle posted by nWo_Slapnut on November 07, 2002 at 02:40:55:
i figured Hardcore wrestling was more my style since i'm too big to be a lunchador and don't think i have the skill to be like chris benoit or jericho since i have a more Mick Foley-like body LOL, FMW actually is still around, see the promotion was closed earlier this year when Onita wanted nothing more to do with it but the actual rights and copyights to the company were sold and a new version of FMW was opened about 2 months later, granted it's still a SMALL indy promotion but there trying to get back to the orginal style of it, EXTREMLY hardcore, CZW is a pretty great indy promotion, i saw a bunch of their shows in philly with people like Tommy Dreamer,Sandman, Balls Mahoney etc. wrestling and it has a more japanese style of wrestling that's hard to find here, i'm not too impressed with the XPW though considering it's run by so pronstar guy and their matches are EXTREMLY boring,
(how can anyone make a deathmatch boring?) there shows are like an hour of talking and mabye 10 mins of wrestling, i've heard there actually in financial problems right now and they may close by the end of the year,
the one promotion i really ahve my heart set on is the NWA, they really know how to use talent
i mean look at guys like AJ Styles, Onyx, Low-Ki, Ken Shamrock, K-Kwik, they were all kept as basically Jobbers in the wwf but in the NWA they
became maineventers
i'm probabaly going to end up starting in OVW though because i know someone who knows Danny Davis, not bad though because it's a good place to get noticed
Feds that actually use tallent
Posted by nWo_Slapnut on November 07, 2002 at 19:45:56: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: To Cactus Jack ---> Where to Wrestle posted by Cactus Jack on November 07, 2002 at 14:24:35:
Thanks for the 411 on the new FMW. Perhaps there is some hope for us after all... Seriously though, I agree with a lot of what you said. NWA/TNA isn't too shabby: A lot of the guys that were criminally held-down by Vince McMahon have since become ambassadors for that federation (Jerry Lynn, anyone?!?!?!?), not to mention the fact that a lot of great tallent that never bothered to waste time with WWE went directly to NWA, like Kid Kash for instance. I know that's pretty much stating the obvious, but I cannot resist when thinking back to how guys like Taz, Raven, Justin Credible, Tommy Dreamer (the list goes on and on) have had much of their hard-earned success and reputation crushed by Vinnie Mac.
XPW sucks, without a doubt. The only good thing that's ever come out of that federation (although not so much for the victim) was the XPW free-fall match, in which one of the Baldies (I forget which one, although I think it was Vic Grimes) was thrown off an insanely-high scaffold and ended up landing improperly, bouncing off the ropes after smashing through some tables and landing with sickening impact. That was BY FAR the SICKEST bump I've ever seen. I can't imagine how he managed to survive that, considering that Mick Foley nearly died from withstanding a much less brutal bump at the hands of the Undertaker (The first mishap in the Hell In the Cell Match).
Anyway, if you're looking to join American based federations, NWA is a very good place to start. I hear that Jeff Jerrett has some hand in how its run, so you can be assured that Vince won't ruin your life there. CZW is ideal if you expect to develop a hardcore following. But I'm not sure about OVW, however (if we're talking about Ohio Valley Wrestling and not another promtion with the same initials): I understand Vince McMahon runs OVW indirectly, or atleast has some claim of ownership to it, so even if he doesn't condemn you to a career of failure, the federation may cease to exist by the time Vince inevitably retires (bearing in mind how lousy his product has become and the upcomming expiration of contract with TNN). I heard that OVW is more-or-less like a farm-league for the WWE: Wrestlers start out there and train before moving into actualy WWE cards. I think Brock Lesner started out there.
Re: Test finally cut his hair
Posted by longhair on November 06, 2002 at 23:49:22: Previous Next
In Reply to: Test finally cut his hair posted by Wolff on November 04, 2002 at 21:11:04:
: Those of you who are watching RAW now, have just seen that Test cut his hair. I have to admit, i think it looks better.
Test looked better with his hair long. Guess he just turned out to be another wanna be long hair huh? If your gonna grow it long, keep it long.