3 libertarians on one post WOW GREAT!

3 libertarians on one post WOW GREAT!
Posted by Dustin1978 on November 08, 2002 at 12:53:46: Previous Next

I cannot beleive that in that last thread I foudn two fellow libertarians! This is so good to see. It is funny people who are democrats or claim to be and bad mouth libertarians and have no idea what it is we are about.

If libertarians ran the show (which they will one day) we would not be in ovr 148 countries around the world. Libertarians KNOW we do not belong in any of them and know that we need to tend to our own country and stop trying to police the world.

Also big government would get the hell out of stae affairs. The federal government was NEVER suppose to have any say so in any state affairs. All the original Government was for was to protect our borders and that is about it.

Anyway I have way too much to type on the issue so I will drop it. I just wanted to say I am glad we libertarians are growing in numbers.

Dustin 1978

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