Special-Styling Experiences

Special-Styling Experiences
Posted by ChrisLH on November 09, 2002 at 13:01:48: Previous Next

Hi again,
before I was posting on my experiences of my girlfriends styling-ideas.

Meanwhile she / we had done it several times again, since she likes it.
My feeling about this is still much changing: sometimes I think it is dubious looking and not really the way, I should, another time I share her feelings that it's great and much better, then the usual style (wearing my hair tied in a simple ponytail).

After she moved me to wear the hairstyles, she tried out on me - and this for some evening or whole weekend, she insists, that it's looking much better, if I'm wearing my hair UP.

After I said, I coudn't follow her estimation, she was using the occasion, when we were visiting friends at a party, tied my hair up first to a high ponytail and then a bun, and asked our friends, what they are thinking about, just made some kind of poll.
The result was: most were on her side and confirmed, I'm looking better with my hair up. Only two (of 18), both guys, said, they don't knew, if this is the better styling for me.

So she convinced me at this occasion wearing my hair up (with the help of her friend nearly professional pinned and at last sprayed to a someway glamorous kind of updo.
Most of the women confirmed me, that I'm really looking good this way, and I should continue with this, while the guys were different.
Two of them - also with longer hair - followed me to trie the same, and tied themselves a higher ponytail, while two of the other didn't talked about. But overall it was a nice party and I feeled comfortable.

So in the following time she began with her friend (who was professional hairstylist several years before), trying out several very feminine looking styles on me.
Also she is forcing me to go out with such elaborated (most updo) styles, but until now, I don't dare that.

But now she is extorting me: while I want her to come with me for a sailing-trip on the canary-islands, she tells, that she will do it - if I'm going with her in a salon for styling and after have a little tour in the city. And so I'm knowing, what will be waiting for me, after she printed some pictures of updo's and bouffants from the Site (given below).
Maybe I complement the styling with a little crossdressing and so getting less attention on my hairstyle (her friend liked to offer me also that part of styling).
After I heard, that even David Hesselhoff made this kind of trying his female aspect of himself (guided by Frank Marino (www.frankmarino.com)), I think, this must not be an embarrassing adventure.

Like to know, what you are thinking about this kind of tales.


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