I got a revo styler...

I got a revo styler...
Posted by SixStringThing on November 11, 2002 at 11:33:59: Previous Next

I couldn't help but give in and buy one for $50 at Wal-Mart, I thought if it works well it could be a very good tool for getting people through the awkward stage. Now just keep in mind that it says it takes about 2 weeks to get used to it and I've only had it since yesterday so I could be wrong on some things here. I used it last night and it just made my hair HUGE, luckily I did it at night when I didn't have to go out. (btw I used the method on the video where you go by sections and start under the hair, it made my hair a mess) Used it once again this morning but this time I just used it over the hair and the results were much nicer but it's still pretty far from what the infomercials claim it does. I have really wavy hair and it did not straighten it much, you can still see the wave but it did make it much smoother and softer. It's a bit noisy but overall it does make the hair feel much nicer just don't expect to just put it up to your hair and watch it magically turn straight like on tv. If you want dead straight hair I wouldn't get it but if you have hair that feels rough and want it softer it gets the job done. I'll post about it again in about 2 weeks to see if I get better results. One question though, does anyone know if it will cause any damage? I use it on dry hair after going through it with a wide-tooth comb and don't use a blowdryer.

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