My plan with hair and beard
Posted by Remi on November 12, 2002 at 13:56:11: Previous Next
Right now I am just growing my hair. I am a seven or eight-monther, I don't remember. I shave my face. But I decided that I will let my entire beard grow as soon as I will start college. Right now it is forbidden to have a beard at my job. I'll quit my job when college will begin. Hopefully I will be accepted this winter. I will let my beard grow and never shave it. I can't wait.
Re: My plan with hair and beard
Posted by enrique on November 13, 2002 at 11:32:21: Previous Next
In Reply to: My plan with hair and beard posted by Remi on November 12, 2002 at 13:56:11:
gonna be cool probably!
I'm gonna grow out a beard in the future but I need denser facial hair-growth first (I'm only 16 so it'll come I'm sure).
do not wait
Posted by paddy on November 14, 2002 at 04:02:46: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: My plan with hair and beard posted by enrique on November 13, 2002 at 11:32:21:
: I'm gonna grow out a beard in the future but I need denser facial hair-growth first (I'm only 16 so it'll come I'm sure).
i do not think that you need denser facial hair-growth. my facial hair is not very dense, but my beard is about five inches at longest, and it's been growing for about two and a half years; i am just waiting for it to fill in and for my terminal length to grow, as i am only twenty years old, and do not have very hairy genetics. anyway, if you want to do what most people say looks good, you should have short hair and shave. believe me, there are plenty of people who have suggested i shave or trim my beard. but if you feel like having a long hair and beard, don't cut and shave. in my opinion, if it naturally grows that way, it will look alright. (even though others will disagree.)
good luck! :)
(for reference: