questions regarding bangs and parting
Posted by Joe on November 14, 2002 at 21:38:35: Previous Next
Hey everyone, Ive been growing my hair out for a while now and the bangs are almost past my nose. For the time being i'm just parting it every day which is working out pretty well. The only problem is that I don't really like how the part looks. I've seen so many long haired people without parts and their bangs were completely out of their face. My hair is thick and pretty straight. I usuallyjust wet it then comb it all back. Then I make my part slightly to the right and comb the hair to the sides. After that I pull the hair back again without going over the part. When this is complete I blowdry it so it stays in place. I'm sure there is a more effective and easier way to do this. My hair is managable I just don't know how to do this effectively. I'm wondering if there is a way to get the long hair without the part in the center. Anyone here have any suggestions? It would be greatly appreciated.
Re: questions regarding bangs and parting
Posted by BRGallagher on November 15, 2002 at 07:57:35: Previous Next
In Reply to: questions regarding bangs and parting posted by Joe on November 14, 2002 at 21:38:35:
Joe, you have a couple of options...for one, after combing your wet hair straight back you could smooth a SMALL amount of LIGHT gel over the top of your hair and let it dry naturally. This will give you long hair without a part and out of your face. Another suggestion: after combing your wet hair straight back, don't YOU make a part; rather, let it part naturally. When YOU put in the part and then comb the hair down to the sides you are setting it up to fall forward in your face when it dries. By letting it part on its own, a split appears but the hair stays in a "combed-back" mode. Again, a small amount of light gel may be used. (When I say "SMALL" amount of "LIGHT" gel I mean so small and so light--like American Crew, for example--that, once dry, it looks like you have nothing holding your hair in place.)
Hope this helps.