Starting out, any combing tips?

Starting out, any combing tips?
Posted by Keelan McKenna on November 15, 2002 at 01:52:55: Previous Next

I have just started growing my hair out for a month now, and I see the difference from when I started already. I was clever enough to take pictures of my hair when I started, and I just took new pictures today. My hair doesn't look bad and messed up right now, but I know it will. So when it does, does anyone have any suggestions on how to comb it to make it look nice? Also, it would be very nice if some one with either MSN, AIM, or ICQ could help me along the way with growing out my hair and giving me tips. My MSN name is, my AIM is xXKeranuXx, and my ICQ number is 133641042. Thanks,

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