Hey Rokker
Posted by SPEEDRACER on November 15, 2002 at 14:57:36: Previous Next
I noticed in the most recent "word war" that you had stated that you are from a Cherokee background? Are you full blooded? I posted here a few weeks ago asking for opinions as to the culture/ethnic group/race that had the best looking hair in "your" opinion. I have always thought that Native Americans had the best looking hair that I - personally - had ever seen. To this day I have yet to see a Native American that doesn't have healthy looking hair...always smooth and silky looking.
This past summer my wife and I were vacationing in Ft Walton Beach Florida (we are from the Atlanta area) and came across a store down there called "One Feather". The store is owned and operated by a guy from the Atlanta area, and his store is wall to wall with Native American items. I forget his name, but we talked for quite a while once he found out we were from the Atlanta area. (By the way, he has hair midway down his back). I was asking him about the Native American population down there and he said that there were tons of Native Americans in the Ft Walton Beach area. He also said that the military base in Ft Walton Beach was full to the brim with Native Americans. I was kind of puzzled, but he explained that they see themselves as "warriors" hence they join the military. Anyway, if you ever get a chance to get down that way it would be well worth a shot to check out the store. The owner is a very cool guy and knows "ALL" about Native Americans (his wife is full blooded Seminole?) and he has hair midway down his back on top of all that.
Re: Hey Rokker
Posted by Rokker on November 18, 2002 at 08:30:52: Previous Next
In Reply to: Hey Rokker posted by SPEEDRACER on November 15, 2002 at 14:57:36:
I haven't been there since 1979. Next time I have the chance, I'll go!
I'm 1/2 blood Cherokee. My father is Cherokee, my mother German. What a combination, eh? And my air is a mix of the two.