New kid on the bock

New kid on the bock
Posted by Marc A on November 16, 2002 at 09:07:59: Previous Next

HI folks,

I’ve been browsing this board for a couple of months and decided to share my story with you all. I decided to let my hair grow again after 15 years of having short hair.
My name is Marc, a 46 year old heterosexual from Montreal, Canada who has always loved the look of long hair on people of both sexes. (also mohair sweaters, but that’s an other story).
My first experience with long hair happened on Feb 9 1964 when I first saw the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show. I remember the experience as if it happened yesterday; I was just mesmerized by the long haired Fab 4 and by their lively music. Told my dad the next day that I wanted to have hair like that… the obvious response (for the times) was “The hell you will”. Then my High school years in the early to mid 70s came around with its social revolution. Long hair was IN, Short hairs were considered nerds. Lucky me; I started growing my hair in 1973 and let it go to about shoulder length, without any objection from my parents. I kept my hair below my ears well into 1985 but never let it go past shoulder length. Styles began changing and unconsciously I guess, I got shorter haircuts.
Then the bane of many of us males species crept in on me. BALDNESS started eroding my beautiful hair about 12 years ago. I learned to live with it up until the spring of this year. I just looked at myself in the mirror one morning early this summer and said to myself ENOUGH! I want my long hair back. I’ll do what it takes. I knew that there was no way to make my real hair come back on top of my head. No pills, shampoo or any kind of hokus pokus will ever make it come back. It’s in the genes. My last haircut goes back to mid June 02. It is now 4 inches long. I am obviously in my awkward stage but I like it, taking it one day at a time.
For the past 7 years, I have had the wonderful privilege of living with a wonderful girl who lost most of her hair at 17 after a severe illness. She has worn wigs ever since. Well after looking at many wig sites (She buys about 2 a year and I help her choose.) I decided to get a hair piece to complement the hair I already have. I ‘m getting it this Wednesday, Nov 20. Never been this excited to buy something since getting my first car (71 VW Super Beetle) in 1974.
Jobwise, believe it or not, I am an accountant working in in a large firm in internal audit. A bit apprehensive, I casually asked my boss what he thought of my long hair. To my astonishment, he replied: “I don’t care, Doesn’t bother me.” Also told him about my hairpiece. So that was that. In response to Fitmus, I definitely think that preventing a guy from having long hair at work is absolute discrimination vs women who can have any type of hair style.
Comments, questions?

PS: trying to include pics with the message. Where is the image field in the posting form??

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