Does hair change THAT much? (HHH,HBK)
Posted by SixStringThing on November 19, 2002 at 17:19:54: Previous Next
In one of the recent posts about Shawn Michaels hair, someone mentioned that he had really bad hair back around 92, and it was in his "awkward stage". I used to be a big wrestling fan and I remember his hair and it was rather ugly, I always thought he used products to get it to look that bad though (like the "hair metal" bands) So was his hair actually naturally like that? I also saw an older pic of Triple H a while back with shoulder lenght hair, looked like he was at about 1 1/2 to 2 years of growth, and his hair looked really big and thick, yet now it looks awesome. So does hair actually change this much after you're done with the awkward stage???
does hair change THAT much? yes&no
Posted by LucksKind on November 19, 2002 at 20:53:53: Previous Next
In Reply to: Does hair change THAT much? (HHH,HBK) posted by SixStringThing on November 19, 2002 at 17:19:54:
the longer the hair...
...the heavier it is...
the heavier it is...
...the straighter & more relaxed it will be.
Longer hair also fits together more nicely...
short sticks...long sticks...make a pile...take a L(.)(.)K...
now you decide...
Posted by Chris on November 19, 2002 at 21:26:06: Previous Next
In Reply to: does hair change THAT much? yes&no posted by LucksKind on November 19, 2002 at 20:53:53:
Well back in 92 when HBK was growing it out it was right after he turned heel and he immediately started growing it out, and yes sherri was his manger then, but i think he had to grow it out that way because he let the back grow long then he let the top grow all out he eventaully started slicking it back when it got long enough, (wrestlemania 11) then eventally it all grew out and caught up to the back that was already long and he's had it ever since, but last night on RAW his hair was the straightest i ever saw it so he had to have something done to it to make it that way, i'd love to know what though
HHH always has had long hair when he started his idol was flair, so when he was in wreslting school, he had his hair the exact style flair has always worn his and he just let it grow from there,i d give anything to have my hair like either one of theirs personally
HBK's old hair
Posted by nWo_Slapnut on November 19, 2002 at 21:16:46: Previous Next
In Reply to: Does hair change THAT much? (HHH,HBK) posted by SixStringThing on November 19, 2002 at 17:19:54:
HBK's hair looked real bad in the early 90s b/c he was growing it out of a mullet cut... Yes, you read correctly. The self proclaimed 'sexy boy' fell subject to regretful fashion. I kid you not. Don't believe me? Do a search on the net using the keywords "wrestling mullet"... There's a website somewhere out there that covers everyone from Hulk Hogan (the horseshoe baldness pattern) to HBK himself.
I think it's strange that it was during THAT phase of his career that he had a female valet accompanying him to matches (Shery Martel)...