Does hair change THAT much? (HHH,HBK)

Does hair change THAT much? (HHH,HBK)
Posted by SixStringThing on November 19, 2002 at 17:19:54: Previous Next

In one of the recent posts about Shawn Michaels hair, someone mentioned that he had really bad hair back around 92, and it was in his "awkward stage". I used to be a big wrestling fan and I remember his hair and it was rather ugly, I always thought he used products to get it to look that bad though (like the "hair metal" bands) So was his hair actually naturally like that? I also saw an older pic of Triple H a while back with shoulder lenght hair, looked like he was at about 1 1/2 to 2 years of growth, and his hair looked really big and thick, yet now it looks awesome. So does hair actually change this much after you're done with the awkward stage???

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