Longhair and public bathrooms

Longhair and public bathrooms
Posted by Love Longhair on December 30, 2002 at 12:57:13: Previous Next

My hair reaches my waist now. It is very silky and shining. I have been struggling in last 5 years to keep it long. However, it has been very stressful experience, since the society is very bias to men with long hair. One of my major problems is to visit public men's bathrooms. Each time, when a man sees me in men’ bathroom, either he is so confused thinking I am a "girl" or looks at me very with very unfriendly attitude. To void those troubles, I have to put my long hair under my shirt before I enter any public bathroom. However, it is very inconvenient and unconformable. Do you have any better ideas to deal with this issue? Thanks.


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