answer to gel questions

answer to gel questions
Posted by HappyPuppy on January 30, 2003 at 14:05:00: Previous Next

Well, it's not really an answer. I'm not quite sure exactly why I don't like using gel. For a long time before I started growing my hair, I used gel all the time, and I used a lot of it. Consequently, I had a style that actually looked pretty good, but I couldn't touch it or anything like that. (Granted, going outside in a windstorm had absolutely no effect.) But as soon as I'd take my shirt off at night, or lay down on my pillow, I could hear it crunching just from being moved. To solve this, I'd just completely muss up my hair, running my hands all over it, and breaking the hold of the gel. The problem with that was all the gel flakes had to settle before I could open my eyes (lest I receive that pleasantly painful burning sensation) And my hands would be all sticky, and then slimy after washing them. Another problem with gel was that when I'd sweat, some of the gel would come off and run into my eyes (refer to the burning sensation as described above). And it'd also take forever to get my hair looking right, 'cause I knew that as soon as the gel set, I wouldn't be able to change it without going through the whole process again.
I've heard some descriptions of how to make it so that you can have the gel hold, and still be able to have your hair move, and run your fingers through it, but in my experience, the bad aspects of gel outweigh the good. I know that the different methods will produce different results, but I don't like using it. Besides, I kinda feel like using gel is cheating. How can I say that I don't like a girl that wears a lot of makeup, when I'm running around with this stuff in my hair?
I know, I know, there's probably some severe psychological problems masked in this post, and I really didn't mean for it to be this long. Thanks anyways.

Also, I think that after a few days of natural oil buildup, I can sorta pull off the look without gel. I'll try to post pictures when I get time.

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