Posted by BigR76 on February 02, 2003 at 12:00:27: Previous Next
Hey guys-
I've had the same short haircut for almost my entire life. Never more than an inch or two long. Well when I started college this August I decided I wanted to grow it out. I always had trouble getting my short hair to look good, and I have the same type of hair as my dad (very thick, dark brown, curly when it gets long) and he's always had his hair long and it looks great. So I've been letting it go since August and I've come so close to just cutting it many times. It never does what I want it to do, the back end flips our while the front sticks to my head. If I dry it it's real poofy and it looks like I've got a mushroom on my head, and other times if I pull the front back it looks short while the back is still long and I"ve got a mullet look. To make a short story long, it always looks bad! And some people say it's gonna look great and keep going but a good majority just tell me to get it cut. I don't like it how it is now, but I want to see how it will be long. But I don't know how long I can stand it. Any help guys?
Re: Support
Posted by Gollan on February 02, 2003 at 12:21:38: Previous Next
In Reply to: Support posted by BigR76 on February 02, 2003 at 12:00:27:
The most important concept I've learned from this forum is that growing your hair long involves an "awkward stage" where the hair basically looks bad. This is when the hair is too long to wear in a short style but not long enough to wear in a long style. I believe this is the cause of a lot of people cutting off their hair after they start growing it. Like braces or cosmetic surgery, growing your hair out involves a period of imperfection before the final result is achieved. I hope you will decide to stick it out along with the rest of us who are going through the same struggle.
Re: Support
Posted by Brice on February 02, 2003 at 13:47:23: Previous Next
In Reply to: Support posted by BigR76 on February 02, 2003 at 12:00:27:
like Gollan said, this is going to take time. My hair look pretty bad when I grew mine out to start, but I was so dead set on having long hair I constantly rejected his my dad's requests.. make that demands for a haircut. Eventually I knew I was doing something right when I started getting comment like 'Man you're hair is getting long.' It was all apart of my master plan too.. I would go through the awkward stage and then come back to school after Summer Break and have a distinguised long hair look. And you know what? I did! It felt great knowing that I stuck through the stage with a plan and succeeded. I too wanted to get a maintanence cut at times.. but I was really dedidcated. But you can be too. If you've been growing since August (6 months now?) than your hair should start to be taking shape. Soon it will be in your eyes, than ears, than mouth and you won't want to quit. Just wait for that time to come, because it will. Dont cut it if you want long hair! Hope I'm helping to keep your dream alive..
- Brice