Does it *Ever* calm down?

Does it *Ever* calm down?
Posted by DavidF. on February 04, 2003 at 20:59:00: Previous Next

I have wavy hair, that I've been not cutting for the past 14 months or so... (it's about 9", I started from about 2"),
and it still will _not_ calm down, the only way i can get it to even remotely behave, is to not wash it for >1 week... then my scalp itches..., and i can't put it back into a tail, (all the way), because the front bangs are like springs, and just flop back out whenever i move...(or look down, or *think* about doing either...), when i wake up, it looks like i stuck my hand in an electrical outlet..
(yes, i do wash/condition *very* thoroughly....)
It seems as though the awkward stage is either - neverending for me...
or just engaged in a battle of Wills... daring me to cut it....
(I _Won't_ cut it, and have no plans to, but some days.......)

errgh... i know why so many cut at this stage though...

thanks for listening/reading to me rant....

David F.

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