Buzz cut popularity question!
Posted by PINK FLOYD FANATIC on February 05, 2003 at 22:42:54: Previous Next
How long has those STUPID buzz cuts been "in"? Is there a good chance within my lifetime to see long hair making somewhat of a comeback within the next 5-10 year or enough to say that it isn't "out". Until recently I have been trying to grow and keep my hair long and if I start this new job next week my last haircut last October will be my last one for a least a year or two. My closest longhaired friend of mine even though he never liked short hair now was thinking about wearing it shorter than in the past which I personally think is because his buzz cut 16 year old son complains that he looks like a hippie. But I think hippies are the best looking style. I wish I can look like one! Another close former longhaired friend (still a good friend but to my knowledge cut his hair short possibly for an optical job becuase he told me I'd would reconized him with his hair cut.) used to be unwilling to work for someone who wanted him to cut his hair so I think he gave in to this (bleep)ed up society. I though a few years back that even though longhair wasn't really "in" during the 1980s it wasn't "out" either. As far as I know 10-15 years what was really "in" was only how you liked to wear your hair which translated into many various styles and length. But lately in the last year or two I have been noticing more of those stupid buzz cuts. Even my hair is longer than that now because I am starting to show some bangs again and almost half my ears covered and I plan to keep on growing! :-)
Re: Buzz cut popularity question!
Posted by tattooedsean_777 on February 08, 2003 at 01:13:43: Previous Next
In Reply to: Buzz cut popularity question! posted by PINK FLOYD FANATIC on February 05, 2003 at 22:42:54:
I really don't concern myself with what is in or out. I worry about making myself happy. I will have long hair until mother nature takes it away and then I am shaving it off to look like lex luther. I will be happy either way.
Re: Buzz cut popularity question!
Posted by Barry on February 09, 2003 at 16:28:30: Previous Next
In Reply to: Buzz cut popularity question! posted by PINK FLOYD FANATIC on February 05, 2003 at 22:42:54:
I wouldn't want a buzzcut, but by saying they're stupid one's falling into the same trap as those who criticise long-hair on men. Mind you I wouldn't be very happy if my wife got a buzzcut!
Cheers, Barry
Re: Buzz cut popularity question!
Posted by PINK FLOYD FANATIC on February 09, 2003 at 18:39:26: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Buzz cut popularity question! posted by Barry on February 09, 2003 at 16:28:30:
: I wouldn't want a buzzcut, but by saying they're stupid one's falling into the same trap as those who criticise long-hair on men. Mind you I wouldn't be very happy if my wife got a buzzcut!
: Cheers, Barry
I mean the cuts are stupid looking not the person as long as they respect us. It's possible for some of them to be smart people if they are in a job or pressured to wear them short. They do have the right to wear it that way if they wish. What I have a problem with is people telling other people to get a buzz or when former longhairs decides to cut it even if it against their their own will because of stupid ass policies discriminating against longhaired men. I blame the polcies though and I think Buzz Cuts have grown more popular simply due to idiots who judge people by the length of their hair and peer pressure to get it cut. If you like short hair better than wear it short but if you like long hair than people need to learn to accept you for who they are!