My Brylcreem Experiment

My Brylcreem Experiment
Posted by Gollan on February 11, 2003 at 02:05:40: Previous Next

Today I was on my 2nd day of giving my hair a break from gel. The gel I am using (Dep 7) is extra-strength and leaves my hair all straight and nasty and dry. I plan to switch to a milder gel since I don't need as much control (AKA glue) anymore. With no gel in my hair today my bangs were hanging right in my eyes. So I decided to use a little Brylcreem. I still have almost a full tube left over from my short hair days. First of all, a "little daub WON'T do ya". It never did. You need an inch or two, even on short hair. With my long hair all it did was make it mildly greasy. Nothing more. It sure doesn't hold my hair anymore! So today I had greasy bangs hanging in my eyes and I learned something.

So... can anyone recommend a good mild gel for straight, thick hair?

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