cutting hair for court

cutting hair for court
Posted by Combos on February 15, 2003 at 03:51:19: Previous Next

Hello, im 17 and will turn 18 on March 16th. I live in Virginia. I just got charged with a class 1 misdemeanor for "reckless driving over the speed of 100mph" (second offense), a class 3 misdemeanor for "driving after illegally consuming alcohol" (this is Virginia's way of saying i was under the legal limit for adults (.08) but i was over the zero tolerance limit for under 21 (.02), and a class 6 felony for "recklessly evading a police officer after a clear signal to stop has been given." Heres the story. I was driving a friend home at like 1 AM. A few minutes after leaving his house traveling on a two-lane backroad I passed a cop going the other direction at about 80 mph. I gunned it because i didnt want to lose my liscense again, which i had already lost for 9 months. I drove like hell for about a mile and didnt see the cop anywhere in sight. I came out on an unseparated 4 lane highway and didnt see the cop after a good while so i stopped at a gas station where i was supposed to pick up my other friend to go to this party. As i was leaving the gas station on a two lane road perpendicular to the four lane road (the gas station was on the corner) the cop pulled around the turn and flipped his lights on. I have a Mazda rx7 which is a very quick car. I floored it and pulled away from the cop. About a mile down the road i was braking for a right turn and spun 540 in the road ( due to an underinflated rear tire). The car stalled and i was in a panic. I started it and the cop flew up on me and arrested me. This brings me to my question. My hair grows unusually slow (in my opinion). I have been growing it for about 2 years and i have dredlocks. i was planning to keep these dredlocks until i died (or at lest try to). I am not going to cut my hair for court. However, my parents and my lawyer constantly tell me i am making a stupid decision. I understand where they're coming from. See, I could go to jail and they say that my haircut may influence the judge sentence me thusly. I dont think a haircut would warrant this, nevermind should. I feel that i should be judged upon my actions, expression on remorse, and my demeanor in court. I am going through alot of crap right now. I would just like some advice from people experienced in going to court with long hair and ANy other commments are appreciated. The dreds look pretty wild as i just put them in about a month ago and they arent long enough to put back in a pony tail. I am a 3.1 GPA student with two current jobs and many jobs in the past. I have participated in many activities to better the community. Please respond. Thanks. Also is there any possibility that i could appeal my case if i recieved a very harsh sentence i.e. 1 year in jail and fines upwards of $3000 (which is all withing the laws in VA, thats about the max i could get) due to suspicion of discrimination of hair?

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