hair fallen off grows anew thinner?
Posted by Kaukomieli on February 20, 2003 at 14:43:04: Previous Next
Hi, guys!
I have been growing my hair for more than a year now, and I have a question. It seems to me that once some hair falls off in the shower, then new one grows, but that one seems thinner. Do you think this is true? Could it be that I am not getting enough vitamins through the food, and although I do take vitamin pills, this is not enough? Or could it be that a South European, used to lots of sunshine, is having a hard time in the darkness up North (Iceland in my case, very much North)? Or the newly growing hair cannot "breathe" under the old long locks?
On the other hand I notice that the hair that falls off now and then seems thicker at the tip and somewhat thinner at the root.. Or am I wrong?
I try to get as much vitamins through the food as I can, besides a vitamin pill every day, and I brush my hair carefully, do not force out tangles etc., use conditioner which I rinse in cold water.. I do not go to gym, because I do not have time, but I work part time as postman, and in Iceland that could be a demanding walk, every day, involving also lots of climbing up and down the stairs.. So I do exercise in a way. Do you think something's wrong? Is there something more that I could do?