Posted by MG on February 20, 2003 at 18:00:31: Previous Next
OK, this first part is for the thinking, feeling people (hopefully the
majority) on this board. I would like to explain why I have an undercut
because this might help some others. My hair is curly, wavy and frizzy.
I was extremely happy when I got out of the awkward stage and could
tie it back. I've always wanted long hair and hated short hair (just
on me, mind you. What others do with their hair is entirely THEIR
business). Even with my hair tied back there was always a frizzy
fringe stcking out, sometimes up to 3". These fringe hairs never seem
to get real long though. By getting an undercut it eliminated the
ugly parts and left the good long hair. So now I like my hair more
and am much happier with it. The fact that an undercut is also a
style is just a coincidence.
Hopefuuly the sane people on this board will understand. I know the
foaming at the mouth hair nazi rokkers won't. I gave up long ago
trying to have a reasonable discussion with them. I only keep responding
because I have little patience with narrow minded intolerant people
and feel that their rantings shouldn't go unchallenged.
My opinion of Rokker is changing though. At first I thought that he
felt so superior that he was ignorant and incapable of interacting
with people. Now I'm beginning to recognize a trait I've seen in some
Rokker types around here. These are people who make themselves feel
superior by belittling and ridiculing others. This behavior gets
worse when they are drunk and/or high. Since Rokker occasionally posts
a sane message, I think what is happening is he gets wasted and gets
an urge to feel superior and then we all get treated to one of his
great messages from on high. It would be better for us all if he just
went and puked somewhere else instead of on this board.
The idea that different long hair styles reflect badly on him is also
ridiculous. The vast majority of short hairs out there have the same
distain for any type of longhair. Equal opportunity I guess.
For the record as far as I am concerned other people can have their
hair anyway they want. Its their hair. I also don't give opinions
on other peoples hair unless I'm asked. Except for a compliment, of
I suppose that ...
Posted by LucksKind on February 20, 2003 at 18:39:02: Previous Next
In Reply to: EXPLAINATION TO NORMAL PEOPLE AND ROKKER posted by MG on February 20, 2003 at 18:00:31:
since everybody has different hair types & textures...
an undercut might work well for a certain few with hair
like yours.
I HAVE seen some guys who had hair that NEVER seemed to be
[he..he...at this very moment there is a totally bald man wearing only
a goatee on TV]
Well, as someone once said: "To each its own"
Posted by Joe on February 20, 2003 at 21:14:53: Previous Next
In Reply to: EXPLAINATION TO NORMAL PEOPLE AND ROKKER posted by MG on February 20, 2003 at 18:00:31:
dude, dont worry about it. as long as your hair is how you like it, and youre happy with the way it is, thats all that matters.
normal? i resent that lol
Posted by stinKfoot on February 20, 2003 at 22:15:22: Previous Next
In Reply to: EXPLAINATION TO NORMAL PEOPLE AND ROKKER posted by MG on February 20, 2003 at 18:00:31:
please dont feel that you have to explain your choice of hairstyle. just because someone here wishes to continually bluster about how right he is and the celebrity elbows he's rubbed we shouldn't all turn into apologists. wisdom isn't something that's brandished and what would otherwise pass as decent advice gets lost in a sea of arrogance. the best thing i suppose is just to tune it out and eventually it'll go away.
Re: normal? i resent that lol
Posted by MG on February 21, 2003 at 00:51:10: Previous Next
In Reply to: normal? i resent that lol posted by stinKfoot on February 20, 2003 at 22:15:22:
: please dont feel that you have to explain your choice of hairstyle. just because someone here wishes to continually bluster about how right he is and the celebrity elbows he's rubbed we shouldn't all turn into apologists. wisdom isn't something that's brandished and what would otherwise pass as decent advice gets lost in a sea of arrogance. the best thing i suppose is just to tune it out and eventually it'll go away.
Actually you are right about just ignoring it. But I also wanted to
say that sometimes there more reasons than just style for a certain..
...well, style.
Posted by Resonance on February 21, 2003 at 05:43:32: Previous Next
In Reply to: EXPLAINATION TO NORMAL PEOPLE AND ROKKER posted by MG on February 20, 2003 at 18:00:31:
Calling rokker a hair nazi may be a little harsh :) From what I've seen in my time here he aggressively depends his opinions but I wouldn't want one of the more prominent voices of this board to be pushed out.
Re: Well
Posted by stinKfoot on February 21, 2003 at 08:54:30: Previous Next
In Reply to: Well posted by Resonance on February 21, 2003 at 05:43:32:
you are the consummate diplomat & your support of rokko is laudable but...
rokor goes considerably beyond the vociferous defense of his own views when he assails others as stupid for daring to differ with the gospel according to rokko. aggressive defense of ones own views does not mean calling others stubborn idiots. i brought up the POSSIBILITY that a supplement MIGHT help for someone with a deficiency and was smeared with his big brush of insinuated stupidity.
much of what he says is true and from time to time he actually exhibits a hint of intelligence but the rhetorical sledgehammer he uses to drive some of his points home has gotten tiresome and unless he shows some respect for those who differ with him (even if he believes them -us- to be stubborn idiots) i would just as soon he went away. we all know how very much he hates undercuts & mullets, but we have been 'blessed' with the additional tidbit that he feels superior to people wearing them. we are also well-versed on his fda supported bluster on the ineffectiveness of supplements & his verbal attacks on those daring to consider any other points of view.
he initiates a thread on 'top hair horrors' which is indistinguishable from the rest of his self-important arrogance and calls into question the intelligence of anyone having difficulty recognizing that his post is actually humor. "...Zoomed right over your head, did it?"
for all i care he can go away and stay away- there are far better voices for the few good points he makes.
The Bottom Line
Posted by Rokker on February 21, 2003 at 09:39:15: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: Well posted by stinKfoot on February 21, 2003 at 08:54:30:
This is the bottom line....
I've had long air for more than 25 years.
You? Maybe two?
Now...who would you likely be more inclined to take advice from? Me, who had had long air since the 1970s or you?
Regarding supplements...who should people listen to? You, who is arguing the results of every scientific study ever conducted and the FDA itself? Or me, who is informing people about these studies?
You strike me as so stubborn that even when presented irrefutable evidence and scientific study you still refuse to accept it because you simply don't want to. Like the FDA report says...ask your doctor! Contact the FDA itself!
An ignorant person is one who doesn't know. An intelligent person is one who at one time was ignorant, found out, and know knows. What else but stupid can you call someone who didn't know, was shown the truth and educated, yet went ahead and believed what they wanted to even if it's wrong?
I speak from experience and with proof to back me up.
What do you speak from?
Re: The Bottom Line
Posted by stinKfoot on February 21, 2003 at 10:32:35: Previous Next
In Reply to: The Bottom Line posted by Rokker on February 21, 2003 at 09:39:15:
: I've had long air for more than 25 years.
: You? Maybe two?
try 10
: Now...who would you likely be more inclined to take advice from? Me, who had had long air since the 1970s or you?
if i want to be verbally abused and belittled then you
: Regarding supplements...who should people listen to? You, who is arguing the results of every scientific study ever conducted and the FDA itself? Or me, who is informing people about these studies?
you of course- your most omniscient majesty. i never miss out on a good opportunity to be bludgeoned by your most perfect truth
: You strike me as so stubborn that even when presented irrefutable evidence and scientific study you still refuse to accept it because you simply don't want to. Like the FDA report says...ask your doctor! Contact the FDA itself!
of course i strike you as stubborn. you miss the FACT that i don't necessarily dispute what the fda has found- i do try to keep an open mind to the POSSIBILITY that there are exceptions to the gospel according to the fda as commanded in the book of rokko.
: An ignorant person is one who doesn't know. An intelligent person is one who at one time was ignorant, found out, and know knows. What else but stupid can you call someone who didn't know, was shown the truth and educated, yet went ahead and believed what they wanted to even if it's wrong?
an ignorant person is also one who closes his mind to other points of view and insults those who dare to differ with him.
: I speak from experience and with proof to back me up.
bully for you... and from that experience and proof you brandish your 'truth' like a weapon assaulting anyone who dares to offer a differing view.
: What do you speak from?
i speak from the knowledge that if i respond with respect to others then my words will carry more weight than if i use then to browbeat people into rhetorical submission. i speak with a mind open to the possibility that i could be wrong. i try to leave some room for growth. in 3 months i complete my 4th decade of existence and one thing i know above all others is that none of us (not the fda either) have complete knowledge of anything. true wisdom has an open mind to the possibility, however small, that there are exceptions to rules... i try not to quash discussion by spreading elitist bigoted views as gospel. this is a discussion board and i try to leave some room for dissent in my posts. i also don't insult people for their hair decisions ad nauseum- however strongly i might disagree with them. i am not the final word in these matters and guess what... neither are you.
Re: The Bottom Line
Posted by SixStringThing on February 21, 2003 at 17:40:04: Previous Next
In Reply to: The Bottom Line posted by Rokker on February 21, 2003 at 09:39:15:
: Regarding supplements...who should people listen to? You, who is arguing the results of every scientific study ever conducted and the FDA itself? Or me, who is informing people about these studies?
I don't believe this one. See, I've known people who took supplements and their hair grew slightly faster (it was measured) so that is all the proof I need. Doctors, I've heard so much false info from them so it's hard to always believe what they say. My mother was a doctor (now a psychologist) and she has shared all this with me, just because a person is a doctor does not mean they know everything. Some of these doctors are actually quite ignorant.
Re: The Bottom Line
Posted by Ian on February 22, 2003 at 01:57:04: Previous Next
In Reply to: The Bottom Line posted by Rokker on February 21, 2003 at 09:39:15:
: I speak from experience and with proof to back me up.
If you speak with respect and gentleness, then you will be more likely to be taken seriously. If you speak "from experience" with superiority, then you will be simply shrugged off and ignored.
Re: Well
Posted by Justin on February 21, 2003 at 09:49:28: Previous Next
In Reply to: Well posted by Resonance on February 21, 2003 at 05:43:32:
: Calling rokker a hair nazi may be a little harsh :) From what I've seen in my time here he aggressively depends his opinions but I wouldn't want one of the more prominent voices of this board to be pushed out.
I am also of the same opinion as "Resonance" on this one.
Re: Well
Posted by MG on February 21, 2003 at 11:14:57: Previous Next
In Reply to: Well posted by Resonance on February 21, 2003 at 05:43:32:
: Calling rokker a hair nazi may be a little harsh :) From what I've seen in my time here he aggressively depends his opinions but I wouldn't want one of the more prominent voices of this board to be pushed out.
I am not trying to push rokker out. He wants to be respected but what
he needs to learn is that if he wants respect as a human being he
needs to respect others as human beings. Unfortunately he tries to
build himself up by tearing other people down. Respect is based on
more than how you look. It is also based on how you conduct yourself.
It would be great if everybody in the world had perfect long hair but
that just isn't going to happen. Instead of wasting time blaming
his problems on people 2000 miles away he should concentrate on making
himself a better person. We are all ultimately responsible ourselves
for what type of respect we get. Blaming others won't solve anything.
Posted by Rokker on February 21, 2003 at 08:33:14: Previous Next
In Reply to: EXPLAINATION TO NORMAL PEOPLE AND ROKKER posted by MG on February 20, 2003 at 18:00:31:
: Hopefuuly the sane people on this board will understand. I know the
: foaming at the mouth hair nazi rokkers won't. I gave up long ago
: trying to have a reasonable discussion with them. I only keep responding
: because I have little patience with narrow minded intolerant people
: and feel that their rantings shouldn't go unchallenged.
This entire argument started because of two things. First, people like you were encouraging others to get undercuts. I know through experience that most, a good 90% and literally everyone I've ever met personally, regret the fact they ever got an undercut. Most, after loving it for a month or so then hating it, eventually can't overcome the undercut and just cut all of their hair off.
So when newbies, guys like you who haven't even bothered waiting long enough to get through the time frame it takes to have nice long hair come here and tell people to do something I know is a mistake, I'll be vigilant in telling everyone else, most particularly others just growing their hair long for the first time, NOT to listen to you.
The fact is that people like me and others on this board who have had long hair for many years know more than you do. We've had long hair for 15, 20, even 25 or more years to your one or two. We know what we're talking about. We know that no matter how curly, frizzy, wavy or whatever...your hair, given enough time to grow along with your patience and practice in dealing with it, and your ever-expanding knowledge in how to style it and what products to use, will look very nice. But to do that, you have to avoid undercuts and other bad ideas. Because once that hair does grow out, the undercut will never catch up. You'll have nice long hair that you've learned how to take care of and you'll always live with that short hair that you created by an undercut.
It has become annoying arguing with some newbie who claims he's right about everything from undercuts to growth supplements. You're new and know far less than those of us who've had long hair for longer than you've even been alive. What a joke!
: Now I'm beginning to recognize a trait I've seen in some
: Rokker types around here. These are people who make themselves feel
: superior by belittling and ridiculing others.
The "Rokker types" you're referring to are the very people who have had long hair since you were still a sperm cell! I think we know a lot more than you do, kid!
:This behavior gets
: worse when they are drunk and/or high. Since Rokker occasionally posts
: a sane message, I think what is happening is he gets wasted and gets
: an urge to feel superior and then we all get treated to one of his
: great messages from on high. It would be better for us all if he just
: went and puked somewhere else instead of on this board.
I don't do any drugs. In fact, I don't even drink alcohol.
It's not that I feel superior. It's that I speak from years of experience and I have wisdom. You're a newbie, a kid! You come here as a person just beginning his hair growth and try to tell those of us who have had long hair since before your dad even thought he'd have kids that you're right about everything...when the fact is you know almost nothing.
Heck, you read the FDA report and insist even government research is wrong because dammmmit, you can't ever be wrong! How lame is that?
: The idea that different long hair styles reflect badly on him is also
: ridiculous. The vast majority of short hairs out there have the same
: distain for any type of longhair. Equal opportunity I guess.
If people like you didn't have fad styles, if people didn't grow hair and cut it, if people didn't grow hair to try to be cool...then yes, people like me with a cultural heritage would be seen as just that...people who have a LEGITIMATE reason to have long hair. We wouldn't be looked at as just guys with long hair. It would be understood that there is a VALID REASON we have it, and people would be less likely to discriminate.
: For the record as far as I am concerned other people can have their
: hair anyway they want. Its their hair. I also don't give opinions
: on other peoples hair unless I'm asked. Except for a compliment, of
: course.
You do a disservice to every longhair who has a valid, legitimate reason for being a longhair. If not for people like you, we'd see far less discrimination, far more understanding, and be a lot further along in societal acceptance as long hair being legitimate.
Posted by Big L on February 24, 2003 at 03:13:33: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: EXPLAINATION TO NORMAL PEOPLE AND ROKKER posted by Rokker on February 21, 2003 at 08:33:14:
: I don't do any drugs. In fact, I don't even drink alcohol.
None of my business I know but are you an AA/NA? AA here.
Posted by Rokker on February 24, 2003 at 08:43:07: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: EXPLAINATION TO NORMAL PEOPLE AND ROKKER posted by Big L on February 24, 2003 at 03:13:33:
: None of my business I know but are you an AA/NA? AA here.
Neither. I just don't do anything.
Re: substances...
Posted by Hair Religion on February 27, 2003 at 05:45:32: Previous Next
In Reply to: Re: EXPLAINATION TO NORMAL PEOPLE AND ROKKER posted by Rokker on February 24, 2003 at 08:43:07:
Ditto, no drugs, no alcohol.
Posted by SPEEDRACER on February 21, 2003 at 09:55:58: Previous Next
In Reply to: EXPLAINATION TO NORMAL PEOPLE AND ROKKER posted by MG on February 20, 2003 at 18:00:31:
There are a few posters here that I really respect...Rokker & Hair Religion, to name a few. Hair Religion always seems to know what he is talking about and I have visited his web site a few times. Rokker always seems to know what he is talking about as well and - if I'm not mistaken - he is a Native American - which is pretty damn okay in my book...no, I am not a Native American, but I have always been fascinated with everything about the Native Americans. Personally, I believe that the Native Americans have the best hair on the face of this earth.
I have to agree with Rokker though...Hair Religion, Rokker, myself (19 years for me personally), and others here have been growing our hair, getting healthy trims, keeping our hair clean & healthy, taking excellent care of our hair, etc. for alot longer than all of you newcomers...newcomers who are just now getting started...or maybe you are high schoolers who thought a wrestler or a movie star looked cool so you go to your local hair stylist and say, "I want my hair to look just like (whoever)". Hey, don't get me wrong...that's how it all started with me! I am a child of the big hair bands of the 80's (graduated high school in '86) so I tended to want to model myself after Jon Bon Jovi. Although that's how it all started with me, I realized over the years that this was really me...I'm not trying to copy someone else, or be something I'm not, but that I really am a longhair deep down inside myself.
Fads come and go. Do what you wish with your hair...it is indeed your very own hair, but sit back and think about yourself for a moment...am I really a longhair or am I just following a fad?! Take what you want from this board that may help you in your quest for long hair, and leave behind, on this board, anything that is not going to help you in your quest for long hair. But also realize that EVERYONE has an opinion...if their opinion bothers you, then simply let it go. But also realize too that there are people on this board that know a hellofa lot more than you newcomers do about growing hair!
One last thing...contrary to your beliefs or what you have heard from others...there is no such thing as a MAGIC PILL!!! Hair growth, color, texture, shine, etc. are all genetics man...I don't give a $hit what you think - it's all genetics! The only way you - yourself - can help your hair is to try and maintain a healthy diet to keep a healthy body, excercise to keep a healthy body, good hygiene to keep a healthy body, etc. If you watch any cable late at night you'll see an infomercial for just about everything under the sun & they are all claiming that their product can improve your life like no other. There are way too many suckers out there who fall for these traps...don't believe me - these people are making MILLIONS off of all of you suckers out there...infomercials are a "billion" dollar business. Trust me, if there were no suckers falling for this nonsense, then you would see the infomercial industry die out over night.