Hair recession due to style of it?

Hair recession due to style of it?
Posted by Chris on February 22, 2003 at 03:13:12: Previous Next

Hi, is it possible to start losing your hair and have recession in the frontal hairline because of the way its styled ? I've had a part in my hair since i was 14 i only cut it all off 3 times in 9 yrs im 22 now, recently i noticed my hairline is not really receeding more then it was, but i can see my scalp now thru the front of it and when i part it now the part is wider in the front and i can see my scalp alot more thru the front of it i think ive been thinning for awhile now but its really got noticeable to me the past week or so in the front everytime i wanna look at it i wanna throw up, i dont know what to do..debating about maybe getting hair restoration done in the front where its thinning..i figure a few hundred hairs in the front hairline wont be to terribly expensive. thanks for any advice and or help

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