Newbie - Here goes.!!

Newbie - Here goes.!!
Posted by Grale on February 22, 2003 at 11:12:24: Previous Next

Well i'm sure you've heard this many times now, I've dreamed of having long hair for many years now, but have never until now bit the bullet and refuse to go to the hairdressers :-)

It has only been just over two months but already my hair is probably the longest it has ever been, i have always had number 2 on the sides and back and number 4 on top, wake up in the morning throw some jell on and forget it until the next day or evening going when out.! Already i'm loving my new hair :=) although there has been a few occasions i though stuff it i'm getting it cut!

Then i search and find this forum :) great i'm not alone, I have a few questions that i'd be real grateful for any help you guys have.
Well my aim is to grow my hair so i can wear it in a ponytail or just down.
So my first question is, do i get it cut and trimmed or do i just leave well alone ? obviously the sides and back arn't as long as the top but already the thought of getting it cut all to the same length doesn't appeal to me atall.
And secondly what do you use to keep your hair under a control while growing it, at the moment i'm using jell but have realised that won't be possible for much longer i don't think.

Thanks in advance for any help

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