To Andy, with appologies...

To Andy, with appologies...
Posted by Treyn on March 23, 2003 at 00:48:22: Previous Next

Hey Andy,
Look, bro, I appologize for not lending credit on my site. I'm not at all about making people mad or upset. I guess you could say that was kind of inconsiderate. I did lend credit in a message at the board here when LucksKind said it was original though. I believe the link was posted by Skarred Orange. This isn't the first time I have had a site like this, only last time it was just me alone. That site no longer exist. Personally, if anyone else did this kind of site because they got the idea from me and didn't lend credit to me, it wouldn't bother me any. But like I said, I never meant to make you mad, I see this has offended you, and I will mend the problem by posting credit there. If you still have that site running, send me the url and I will post a link from my site. Bury the hatchet, bro, we have enough war going on right now, huh? (BTW, this is the first I have been aware of your posting about this, I wasn't ignoring you at all. Haven't been reading very far down the postings. Watching too much war news lately, I guess!) Peace out!

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