When to cut it?

When to cut it?
Posted by Eric on September 21, 1998 at 02:07:09:

I've been reading this board for many months now, and I'd like
to ask for some advice. How do I know when it's time to cut
my hair?

Here's my situation...I've had long hair since I was a kid. I'm
in my mid-20's now, and all my former long-haired friends have
cut theirs. I have a decent job now where they don't mind my hair,
but I'm looking for a better one, and I know for a fact that
having long hair greatly reduces my chances of getting a job, I
know that from past experience. I'm currently single, and it
seems like no woman (at least around here) wants anything to
do with a long-haired man. Even my ex-girlfriend, who loved my
long hair when we started going out, was telling me to cut it by
the time we broke up. And lastly, no matter how much I keep it
trimmed, or what products I use (and I've tried a lot of the
suggestions I've seen on this board), my hair just has that
"fried" look.

On the other side of the coin, I really identify with having long
hair, it's such a part of me. I honestly think I look a lot
better with it long (though I can't even remember what it looks
like short). And I don't want to cut it and then regret it.

So that's my dilemma. I'm really leaning towards cutting it. But I
know a lot of you guys go through the same things, so I thought
I'd ask for some honest advice. Thanks.


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