if you know what i mean...
Posted by Hets Beard on April 09, 2003 at 15:57:50: Previous Next
to deadafill... im in the same boat dude, been growin since last august and have wavey hair. i actually wear it in a middle parting, which makes me a nerd! lol, but i do agree with the other messages you were posted, i have increased my general patience 10 fold, which is good, cause i started night classes last september, and im still hangin in there! also, hobbies, i set myself a goal of trainin for a marathon, (which is only 4 weeks away), and ive stuck to that too! all this when i used to be a give up kinda guy after 2 weeks of anything! so growing my hair, and by association this hyperboard, is helping me become the me i always knew i could be, if you know what i mean...