When should one stop growing?

When should one stop growing?
Posted by Carlos on April 10, 2003 at 02:56:37: Previous Next

Hey Guys:

I haven't posted here in a while but I've still been checking the board everyday. I guess one stops asking questions when they get out of the awkward stage:P Well I've been growing for almost three years now, and I am at shoulder blade length. Probably would be to mid back except for the multitude of trims I've had over the years. My hair is at the point where it's starting to bother me...here me out here, I'll try to make sense. It's at a length where I feel it's starting to look too long. I was even thinking about going to mid back but now I'm considering a trim to shoulder length. Even when I have it in a ponytail it's bothering me, it's never done this before. Any advice would be appreciated.


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